Having fun after dinner while posing pretty.My gd fren nik =)

Listen to the mexican rock!

Here's the man just before starting on the dessert.Yum yum~!~!

Our dessert here.Looks yummy doesn't it?The Jump split is the one in e foreground while The Fruit blah blah is the other.We were really full after finishing these.

The hungry and starving look.Just before attacking her food! =P

Nice food!looks so pretty.Mine's on e left (yummy Ostrich Steak) and nik's Pork Loin w Mango etc...

Here we are.Before the meal.Nice cush couch.

Compare the booths on the left and right?ours was the highest.Though it wasn't THAT high,its still rather special.The place is not as bright as this shows (due to the flash).This is one of my bestest pals,nik here.
gd food.nice place.beautiful ambience.great company!dear nik was my company for tonight's dinner.she looks really refreshing w her new hair cut.venue tonight was Chinajump at Chijmes.Beautiful place that i have been there a few times.snapped a few pics of the food too.Had ostrich steak and some pork loin w mango etc.Desert was gd-Jump split (sth like banana split and Fruit ... ...)
To start, she came to my place to pick me and she sent me back after the dinner.Ooppss..felt so pai sehz and weird coz it was always me that sent her home.feels weird for a change.and she din seem too well on the return journey.i hope u r already home safely by the time now.i really enjoy her company.she's a great fren to have and thank god we r close friends despite our past junior-senior relationship.Thankful for her in my life.
WHAT A DAY!!and i mean WHAT A DAY!!a pretty happening day that i really enjoyed...THANK YOU for your company today!u may say i was the one that kept u company but it was fun walking around town and catching movies w u,so let's just say we kept each other company yah?let's fix sometime again,we go out againz!History was made today coz today's the first time i watched 2 movies in a day!must be feeling rich coz today's public holidays somemore..hehe...but it was over all well worth all the money spent as both of us enjoyed ourselves...
heh...damm eventful day.met this dear ger then took her to this thai restaurant for lunch.yummy pat thai (thai kway teow) and cereal prawns.very cheap and affordable too.then we caught our first movie of the day-Bridget Jones Diary.hM...a show that brings out deep thoughts about love and the sacrifices that comes w it.Rene Zellweger is a fantastic actress that brought out many laughs in e show.definitely worth the $8.50 for the thought evoking scenes.haha..then on our way out of cine,we walked past this huge poster of "Everyone has secrets".its a korean comedy and seems funny so we decided to catch it too.as we still had time,we took an MRT to suntec where i met hui to borrow the Chinajump card.save money cause parking was gng to cost a hell lot of money if i drive to suntec and back.Thanks again for being so understanding...the 2nd movie wasn't fantastic but it was hilarious.may not b worth the $8.50 but at least it brought a much needed laughter to the both of us.i love the way one of the lead actress compared a mushroom w ermmz...ahem a guy's d**k and clams w a woman's privates.damm funny!so clams AND/OR mushrooms anyone?? =P
since we din have dinner at all,i decided to tk her to Newton Circus for late dinner/supper.sent her back soon after.
All in all a jolly gr8 day to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.Really had lots of fun today.I m starting to enjoy myself again.You know who u r,Thank u so much and hope u r feeling so much much much much much much better after a whole day out w me! =)
yeah...and so the hot date failed to materialise.she called in sick.was rather pissed in e afternoon when i heard that.felt that she had chickened out.luckily din have much trouble finding another person to watch it w me.i m sorry wj,i din ask u to watch it w me coz nik was around at e moment so i asked her.SORRY.i like the show.full of scary moments but at e same time,portraying a deeper meaning towards e end when e spirit refused to leave e lead's shoulders.i also like the way the weighing machine showed 120kg and the neck ache in the man.So guys and girls who get neck ache frequently,pls beware... =P heh...watch e movie to find out!let's just say,its pretty worth the money.went crystal jade at HV after e movie.gd supper of fried rice and dim sum.yum yum!heh...and the hot date called.she sounded rather sick and was very apologetic about missing this date.told me she won't miss e next one for anything and would treat me to the next movie.haha...not that it mattered much but well,at least it was genuine.
another late nite again...better be careful about the dark rings manz.may pop down at zouk tmr nite which makes it 3 days of clubbing this wk.sigh.yeah,but i enjoy e company of my frens too much to want to miss it but at the same time,i feel i need some time for myself at times.i feel my luck changing.changing for the better.i heard there was this ger that hit on me at phuture last nite.heard she was quite hot.a pity i didn't really see her face but i know she has a gd bod coz ermmz..i felt it. =P was too distracted w jac around to realise that she was there for the taking.but heh,then again,i m pretty insensitive towards such things unless they decide to be bold.what is wrong w me?rather look at jac then a hot babe.i really think my eyes tia4 stamp at times.its time to change.i feel free.i think i have more or less gotten over her thanks to the constant encouragement of u guys.one day,i will completely ignore her affairs.the percentage that i think i care abt her stands at i think a bare minimum,fast diminishing...one day,i will proudly say," F**k off!" i see that day arriving soon.till then~!~!
2 consecutive nights of clubbing have left me all washed out.last night must have been one of the worst nights in recent times that i will ever remember in zouk.what had started off so well from evening quickly evolved into a night i will want to forget in a hurry.i seriously don't know why i got so affected when i saw the ger i once liked.Is she really that bad?Nik and kai were saying my eyes "tia4 stamp" while darius's comments was meaner- "i wouldn't f**k her even if i had a stolen d**k" well,to that i say its not about looks.and they all retorted "so what kind of character does she has if she does things the way she has done?" if u look at things the way they see it,i have been very foolish.but no one knows the feeling i get when i m out w her.wtf,beauty's in the eyes of the beholder isn't it?
let me go back to the start of the day.nik had a job interview w a pay of $30/hr.i was to accompany her there.dad had overtime so i went down to his office to borrow his car.next went to her place to pick her.so happy to see her.dunno why when she got into the car i was really really happy.haven't seen her for such a long time.yah,as the interview place was near home,i was supposed to send mum back.but a day of unforseeable events soon happened.first i couldn't get mum on the mobile after i was there.had to utilise the security guards to go get her.in e end she came down almost 45mins later then scheduled..next,dad called and told me his OT has ended.so wad was i to do?let him tk public transport back?yes,so i went to pick him up too.that was almost 650pm and nik's interview was at 7pm.i was really sorry.next the jam on the CTE on the way back was inhuman.we had already tried to go round the jam by going another way but somehow,when misfortune strikes in bad patches.we were delayed so much that poor nik had to call off e interview.VERY SORRY BABE!then we sent mum and dad home.she came out of the car and hence became the first gal ever to step into my house alone.die!think mum and dad must be thinking that she's my gf...have some explaining to do tonite wor...she stayed in my room for awhile before leaving for PS to meet kai.quite a gd dinner.was quite filling considering it was jap food.dun normally get this full from eating sushi.zouk was next.left early in e end to send kai home.e poor gal was very apologetic but i may have had to thank her coz i was really gng nowhere w the dancefloor so it may have turned out to b a wise choice to leave early too.
hot date later for dinner and to watch shutter.somehow not looking forward to it very much.hopefully it goes on fine...
back from chinablack.wasn't exactly a gr8 clubbing session coz mebe was alittle tired.thank you to wan jun and hui jun for keeping me company jus now or i would b alone and wouldn't even have gone.haha.made some frens.even the thai ger in biz law class talked to me.danced w her alone all thanks to e stupid wj who intentionally disappeared to let me have some quiet time w her.was really awkward coz she was ermmz...pretty seductive.heh...i dunno why but i was alittle moody jus now too.must have spent more time on the couch than on the dancefloor.watching soccer now but damm hungry.stupid SCV must put the Man Utd match as delayed telecast.sigh...means have to stay up till 8am by e time it ends...one word-shagged.

another one for the album!this one is one e few w jas in it!too bad i din bring mine.would have snapped much more!here's to another outing soon!~!~!

At the bus-stop.Gd bye to Sentosa.Another wonderful end to a class outing i feel.Hopefully the next one's will be soon...gonna miss this pple i feel...

towards the end of the day.sun almost setting.from left:jr,limin,wj,angelia,seng,wee meng,glenn and me.WJ,hope u r feeling more cheerful now!

the whole class,well.almost.too many to mention.dear jas was taking this pic.thats y she's not here.

andrew and i.this was after kayaking.all wet but u can't see e bottoms from here. =P
A day at sentosa yesterday.may not have been the most perfect day for most but for me,it was one of the happiest days i have enjoyed in recent months.To those that went,thank u so much for making it fun!jus the whole sort of outing that i like.just having fun w pple that know the meaning of fun.heh...was determinded to get e dirty e moment my arse hit the ground while playing volleyball!then went kayaking.wasn't so keen to get wet.felt it was too cold.but the moment i entered the salty waters of e sea,it was real fun after all.seeing wj moan and whine while jr tried to sink her was damm funny.and in e end,we could not co-ordinate enough.whenever one wanted to climb up onto the kayak from the sea,e other would capsize.i swam back in e end.oh boy,its tough trying to swim w the life jacket and an oar... =P had lunch at the beach bar over there.haven sat there for ages already.gd way to chill over a meal and drink.but next time,someone should ban e use of cards.not that i wasn't keen to play but i mean travelling all e way to sentosa.the sun.the sea....and ermmz..bridge??don't quite go rite?
anyway,dear wj seemed quite down in her own world towards e end.Dear,hope by e time u read this,u r feeling happier and out of the doldrums.anything just let me know.i'll be here for u! =)
why do i still miss such a ger after all she has done in the last 2months was to hurt me?questions fill me.Why?why?and why?why can't memories be just like words written on a chalkboard?i always take a long time to put somebody out.but i dun need her anymore.thats what i know.she's not whom i m looking for.
here's the review of the sem.a semester that has gone by in a blink of the eye.sounds alittle cliche but yah,time really flies.from the blur blur boy who entered the sprawling grounds of the campus in the month of july,the Freshmen Welcome Ceremony still springs to mind.it seems so recent,like it happened just last wk.Everything has happened so fast.But i must say,it din take me long to find my footing.has made a few great frens along the way-jr,jas and wj esp,special mention must go to u guys.u all have pulled me up and shook me hard when i was down.thank you so much.other than that,still got my ever so supportive frens from outside class such as nik,ber,kai,jean,hui.they are the best frens that one can ever have.heh..the story of what happened the first time i met kai...haha...
Kai,if u r reading this,can u rem that u asked whether it was safe to leave nik w me after zouk one nite?thought i could not be trusted?heh..since then,must say,its been nice knowing u.so bubbly and cheerful always.thank u so much for ur constant support from the U-KNOW-WHAT saga and your relentless encouragement
throughout my exams.hopefully this friendship will blossom... =)
so much has happened.i feel i m lucky to have gotten my class.so fun,so on.hopefully we will continue to see each other throughout the term in NTU. the month of september will be a period that i will not forget to fast in a hurry.it was a very fulfilling month.had plenty of great times w jac.thank her for giving me the chance.too bad,things din work out between us and soon fizzled out.i dun blame her for anything.she's still young.let her learn things by herself.one day,she will realise her folly.but i must say,for the short month that i knew her,it has taken me a tremendous amt of time to just put her aside.i think i m still on the road to recovery.this whole saga has taken its toll on me.along w the stress from the exams,i had to carry this whole unhappiness throughout the months of oct and nov.i m tired.a long journey.at least it has ended.now its up to me,to learn to love others.it may not be soon that i find someone that i really like.i have gotten used to life alone again.the carefree life without commitment.the times when u dun have to think of making the other party angry.i like my life.i feel like going on a short trip.holiday anyone?
i will try to work harder in semester 2.stay tuned as u will see a more determinded and hardworking kelvin come sem 2.meanwhile,its party-time during the hols so let's party and make merry!!
Its a sunday.and i m home again.mum and dad r really pleased that i spent my whole wkend at home.heh.wait till they see the coming programs for the wk.hopefully they won't freak out.i m just feeling damm lazy.caught the barcelona v real madrid match at 5am in e morn so din get to bed till 7+.wad a freak i m!then suffering from hangover now as i m writing this.have u heard that for every hour u stay up after 12am,u have to compensate w 2hrs of slp?kao...means i stayed up till 7,for that alone,i need 14hrs?no wonder i feel so tired.can't be bothered to move my lazy arse out of the house.should go excercise soon.feeling flabby.hopefully the class won't flip when they see my topless self tmr... =P
Whoa...finally made use of the whole sat afternoon to change the blogskin.got some meaning in the theme of this skin.
what a saturday!
its 12am.
dunno how i spent it too.woke up damm early considering i slept damm late last night.die!dunno whats wrong w my body clock these days.i can't seem to sleep in!!!feel like taking pills at times.a pretty uneventful day.spent the most of it cropped up in my room watching vcds.heh...new DVD player wor...felt lazy to leave the house and coz of the man utd match on tv, i decided to stay home.but dunno why after the match at 10+,wanted to jio some frens out for supper.felt damm sian at home liaoz but decided against it.so here i am on msn and the net,trying hard to amuse myself w it.submerged.
i think i m crazy.
4.30am and i m still awake.
what the heck is going on??
somehow can't get to sleep.
i thought today would be the night
that i sleep peacefully
and soundly.
try as i might,
and turning,
i gave up.
watch tv,
no show to watch.
surf net,
no sites to go
go msn,
no one to talk to.
what the f**k??
there's nothing to do!
heck!u won't believe it
but i just switched on my PS2
going to play till morning.
i m frustrated w life.
can anyone help??
i m proud to announce that the semester is finally over!w the conclusion of the econs paper,e exams r finally over!i m must say,econs was harder then i thought it would be.i was blanked out initially to say the least...i realise that studying way in advance may not necessary be the best solution...sure,u don't have to burn midnight oil.but i find that,i forget things way too easily.may be i should go back to the days of vs and vj when i used to do last min work.heh...but don't think i will lah.last min work is just too stressful...we shall see how the results go...hoping to just scrape through for econs..no take away for any!
went to pasir ris downtown east chalet for lakh's bdae party jus now.was alittle hesitant about gng because i never liked driving long distances.i feel the pinch for the petrol certainly.but to give my fren face,i decided to pop down.the opportunity cost in this was forgoing the class dinner in which i wanted to go because i felt like talking to eye candy.well,nevermind.mon will arrive soon.heh..we will be going to sentosa on mon!yay!hopefully can get a nice tan.haven done that for god damm ages.tues should be going to nbs bash @ chinablack.wed hope to go zouk w nik and rest to celebrate end of exams!two consecutive nights of clubbing!hM...should think twice man!haha...its e beginning of a new chapter man!
tell u guys a secret.its sat tmr and i m planning to stay home.Man Utd VS Charlton at the god damm early timing of 8.40pm..no point going out and haven met anyone worth the sacrifice to skip this match.
perhaps should start meeting up w long-never-met friends!soon!6 weeks to do so!
down w flu.sore throat and alittle bit of cough.been sneezing like nobody's business ever since last night.the sneezing went well till almost 3am that i gave up and went to sleep.1 more chapter to go before i finish my econs!e dreaded exams r finally drawing to a close!in almost 24hrs time,the papers will be collected and be out of our control anymore.birthday party tmr but dun really feel like gng.would prefer to hang out w the class i guess.coz the party's at PASIR RIS!and i hate travelling from one end to e other end.feel damm sleepy now.no one's at home.sis has gone to taiwan and bro's at WILD WILD WET having e time of his life-his birthday chalet.so tonight,there will be only me,mum and dad.quite a small family we will be tonight.gonna miss sis coz she will be gone till next sat. *shh* dun tell her that though...too mushy... =P luckily bro will be back tmr!haha...more challenges on e PS 2 await soon!
IT was still do-able.but dunno whether do correctly anot.sigh.
but we should look forward n not back.so yah, its only econs left.
looking back,so glad i drove to sch today.looking at the horde of people walking to e bus stop and squeezing into the already full bus-stop after the conclusion of the paper makes me cherish my driving licence even more.heh...two babes were w me enjoying that little bit of fortune of not having to squeeze in the bus or walk in e rain as i sent both dear jas and liying back.i m sorry jas that i could only send u to JE interchange.have to be filial as it was coz of mum and dad that i managed to drive to sch.glad u understand so in e end i reached mum's workplace at almost 5pm and had to wait till 5.30pm.was browsing all the cds in e car.heh..how i missed Mambo Nights at zouk so i was practically playing sounds of retro throughout the time.most prob should be hitting zouk next wed nite.Mambo anyone? =P
got home and felt that back was aching.legs were aching.think its coz of driving for long periods.should remind myself to check the posture next time.i realise that my body structure and dad's structure is different and yet everytime never change the position of the seats.begin to feel like an old man.i must say,this whole sem has been a totally new experience.plenty of highs and lows.i will talk more about these highs and lows after the econs paper on fri.coz thats when the real sem ends.i suddenly feel very tired.jaded.washed out.also dunno why.hopefully my stamina will take me across the finish line on fri.i need a break.uni is fun.i have met many fantastic frens around.i m sure u know who u r.but the studying part can be stressful.i pride myself on my discipline and my conscientiousness.but at times i must say,kelvin is no longer the kelvin of the old.i m unable to concentrate fully.images of the past float by just like the clouds in the sky occasionally.thus i am afraid the results may not show my optimum standards.however,u can't force such things.it was a beautiful memory.i have to move on.i should not live in your shadow.i am learning to be more open to other gals.there are plenty of nice gals around.L is one.but i tell myself i will not let her down anymore.i shall be sure of myself before deciding whether i want to go for her.i feel like studying now.yet i feel tired.the thought of econs makes me want to sleep.
Life is too short to feel troubled, to feel down and glum because of some mishaps, some mistakes which we often commit. Most of the time, many whom I know sulk and sink in despair whenever something goes wrong. I happen to be guilty of such actions at times. Why make life miserable when life itself is already a tough journey we have to walk through? It's never a bed of roses so don't expect it to be smooth all the while. There will be periods of ups and downs all the time. These are the challenges that GOD has set us. They are what make us stronger. Learn from the mistakes. Its okay to make mistakes but its a cardinal sin to repeat them. Jac is a lesson that i will remember. And god permitting,i will not repeat it ever again. I have gone through so many ordeals in this short almost 21 yrs of my life. This whole saga will make me stronger. And I will be stronger. To u people out there, i shall be strong, not like a soldier who listens to orders but as a MAN who got to stand up on his feet. Very often people forget themselves just because of emotions. They listen to their heart and not to their brain. Its hard to be resolute and reasonable at times. But a man got to do what he's got to do. and in times like this, it means to be ruthless or determinded as what sijia calls it. To ignore affairs concerning her.
I am going to be weak no more. To be a MAN is what i am going to be. Not to say i m not one now but to take things like a MAN, treat it as a lesson learnt. Period.
To all the troubled hearts out there, be it with studies, affairs of the heart or whatsoever. How about getting some hot chocolate, sit back and relax at home. Reflect on what's going wrong and figure out how to make your life better instead of just complaining about it.Here's to a better tomorrow. Smile.
and i hereby announce that i m on the road to recovery!strangely i felt a sense of tranquility the moment i hung up the phone on her yest.this sense of peacefulness in my heart can never be described.perhaps this is the last time ever that our paths will cross.for someone i only knew for a month,it has taken me a long time to feel this way.but as things got more complicated,i begin to feel that she is not the ger that i've been looking for.sure,that was the impression that she gave to me in the time that i knew her.but her enthusiasm didn't last.hence i was glad i didn't fall in deeper.however,if u guys got any news about her,continue to update me.NOT that i m still interested in her affairs but just that sometimes i get amused by her happenings,such as her latest saga.How long will this one last?no one knows...only she will know..a tinge of sadness fill me as she continues her 'heck-care jus enjoy' ways.not to say its bad but its not very good for her reputation.perhaps one month w her was a tad too short thats y i haven't been unable to change her.i still care but may be only to the extent of a friend.i shall jolly well lead my own life without u!Pple who r reading this and know what is going on-give her a chance.i don't believe anyone is evil by nature.Perhaps she's just looking for fun without realising the consequences.Perhaps she was serious initially but due to her nature of seeking fun and excitement,she can't stand the strains and the leash of commitment.give her time and she will improve.allow her time to grow and understand the meaning of LOVE and COMMITMENT.i believe she will turn out fine in the end.But as i m writing this,i m so glad i got out of the way one month back.if not,the one mourning the loss could be very well be me now.Yay!i m out of her crutches!not yet recovered but RECOVERING! (continuous tense,ie to say ongoing).Looking back,it has given me the confidence to love someone again,for also the first to make me feel so loved abeit just for a short while.
the main beneficiaries from this whole saga will be the following:
- My dearest family
- My dearest friends
- last but not least,my future Miss Right
i m in no hurry to find HER.but if fate decrees that she appears,then so be it.if not,its fine the way my life is.no commitments yet.such things cannot be rushed.BUT one things for sure-SHE'S out of the way!Here comes Kelvin! =P
so i m on her list of blocked personnel...
well,wad wrong did i do this time??
heh...BUT...wad the f**k?!
want to block,then block lor!
i won't talk to u much anyway
told myself u r history.
i finally can tell myself this:
happy to say,this is not affecting me as much as the first...
just screw off and go find some other hearts to break
one day it will be your turn.
"what comes around comes round"
Today u break someone's heart,
tmr u break another heart
one day,ur heart will be broken
gosh...i sound evil right??
but i don't want to play the noble man liao
one day u will regret spurning this chance i gave u.
u r not evil by nature.
but y r u doing such things?
i can't understand your actions at all.
did u lie to me in e first place?
if u did,why?
did it give u some sort of kick?
hope to find out the truth soon.
freaking 4.35am in the morning and i m still awake...jus done w another chapt of econs and the first section of a past yr paper...anyway,i so pia coz i m not as smart as u guys...i need more time and longer to absorb...heh...strangely not as tired as i thought i will be...must be the red bull i drank at 1+... *beams* but going to sleep soon if not tmr surely damm jia lat...okay...will blog again tmr...sigh...its back to IT tmr! =(
i am damm sad.
can't concentrate on my work.and this time is not jac.
let me tell u guys a story
a woman is stricken w illness,
cancer is what the doctor said.
her husband is down w stroke,semi paralysed
while her 2nd son is away Down Under studying.
i ask myself,
y is Providence sometimes so unfair?
i know her greatest wish is to see her son graduate
which he will do so in a few weeks time
but she is suffering in pain as i m writing this.
she is strong.
unruffled as she is fighting this battle.
i can't do anything,
neither have i been to see her.
i fear the worst for her family.
i hate this sort of things.
i am not that close to her,
yet i feel for her sons.
one is away in Aust trying to get over his final exams,
the other is here trying to care for the two old folks.
all these while his mum is back home fighting a different battle altogether.
i hope she will be up alive and kicking soon
but the doctors has already prepared us for the worst.
i am down.
thats y i always say
"illnesses and deaths are all predestined".
this is the second time such a thing has struck my relatives.
i almost cried the last time at his wake,
this time it was my uncle.
i am not close to him at all,
yet i had to fight back the tears when i saw the motionless body in the wooden box
which they call casket.
this time i am closer to this person,
not very close,
but she has been really nice.
this person is my aunt.
i hope u get well soon...
hhee...must say i m no pervert...jus came across this site w all these pics so decided to put them up for the viewing of all...3 more episodes of this series to go!haha...for people who don't know what this show is,its the Champions at 9pm on CH 8..heheh...mediacorp should pay me for helping them do promotion..enjoy the sights!

FELICIA CHIN!!haha...can say i adore her..oopps...coz i know her personally...feels close to my heart when i see her appear on tv everytime..

the darling of the show...its impossible not to like her...kai xin aka fiona xie...cute and gr8 bod!guys,3 more chances to catch her before the show ends wor...

yilin running down town...wad a bitch she is!! (ooppss..only in e show)

nice pics...for those who have not watched a single episode,u still have 3 more chances starting tmr! =P

did u guys miss this episode?before the RUN down orchard road...
time check:its abt 2.20am but i m not asleep yet...just finished reading my econs...gonna call it a day...been a pretty gd day...so glad i made up for my slackness by finishing up what i planned to do..so at least my prep not so jia lat..still well on target...funny thing was that i was planning to sleep already..was damm shagged...then sis called to ask me to pick her up..dad offered to do that..but i wanted to go out for a spin so i waved dad away... =P feels gd to drive out late at nite...the coldness of the air as u wind the windows...makes one feel so carefree...away from the hustle and bustle of the heavy traffic u would see in a few hrs time at the very same road..and away from the god damm texts of econs...HAVE U WONDERED WHO IN THE WORLD INTRODUCED THE CONCEPTS OF EXAMS?he/she has made pple pore over books like no one's business...made nerds out of ordinary pple just like me..in fact,studying has become a staple diet..sigh..i miss clubbing...n the rest were out at zouk (althou they proceeded to MS after..) to continue,hehe...then after picking sis up,felt awake...so continued to read...btw,that was abt 12am..so i managed to last almost 2hrs more abeit a phone call in betw that lasted 20mins..to the person who kept me entertained for that 20mins,thanks alot!
gonna turn in soon...at this hour where only the nerdiest stay awake,poring over each and every minute detail of their text or the victorious like me who have just finished their day's work...at least i see daylight-tmr is fri...just one more wk and we will be through..stay strong and calm as we approach the finishing line...to all my frens out there who r suffering like me: hang in there!we will party soon! =)
a break...a well deserved break...have been hard at work although e brain had to compete w fiona xie for attention and later pple like slyvester on s'pore idol ( i recorded it)...sigh...i feel damm full from all e econs this few days..but finally i see daylight coz i m at macro now..finally...but i damm scared coz i dun relli understand certain points...haven been touching IT...hopefully the wkend will b sufficient to nerd it through...gonna bathe soon and its back to the books..today gonna pia through late...even bought red bull this afternoon to keep me company tonite..dun believe in drinking coffee coz scared stain my teeth.. =P heh..mum said i siao!
"illnesses and deaths are all predestined"
on a cold wed nite,when everyone is out partying at zouk,i m here blogging abt my life.life has been sad lately...so much have happened both to me and my whole extended family.studying has been a mini refuge for me.but i wish for the end of 19th soon.i feel damm jaded.really drained out.if i could make a wish,just one,i'll not wish to be together w jac.even though i like her so damm alot,my only wish will be that my whole family,the 5 of us to be safe and happy.thats my most immediate concern.GOD,pls don't let anything happen to them...
i m so slack...so slack..been doing nothing the whole day...die lah..today not much production so far again..hopefully w a nap jus now,will b able to stay up later!one chapter a day isn't exactly the best preparation one can have!lucky econs still got a wk plus..but coming to the weekend liaoz..which means have to juggle IT too...sigh..can't wait for the exams to be over!!
things i wanna do after the exams:
- get DVD Player from Sony
- get clothes hanger from IKEA
- get a new waste paper basket
- get a clothes basket for my soil clothes
- go sentosa. i miss the sun,the sand and the sea! anyone??
- go swimming and tan
- get back my pecs =P
- go shopping
- hang out w my friends more.Haven seen some of them for ages!
- most importantly,DRIVE SAFELY!
anyone for the above things to do after the dreaded exams??
sigh...regarding point no. 10,dad was lecturing me one day in e car abt my driving...sigh again,looks like i better wake up before its too late... :(
heheh...before i leave,got some jokes to share w u guys..
for those having a bad day at work or studying for ur exams,hope these cheer u up... =)
Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet didn't pay enough postage on a letterbomb.
It came back with "return to sender" stamped on it.
Forgetting it was the bomb, he opened it and was blown to bits.
bwahaha...wad an idiot!
wait..here's another...
Two animal rights protesters were protesting at the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse in Bonn, Germany.
Suddenly, all two thousandpigs broke loose and escaped through a broken fence, stampeding madly.
The two hopeless protesters were trampled to death.
moral of the story?
it doesn't pay to be nice to animals.they won't appreciate u!!
sigh...end of the day,only 3 chapters accomplished..1 freaking whole day at home only study 3?KELVIN!!u gotta wake up man!!was counting the number of chapters left in econs...still a mammoth 20!!kao!!really alot man!and the rear chapters are damm cheem one..
but thats enough for today...tired liaoz!tmr gotta slack less man..play less and work more!
darn!kept waking up b4 i was supposed to wake up..i wanted to sleep in till noon 2day but woke up b4 that..dunno y some pple can just sleep till late in e afternoon and for me,despite me sleeping damm late last nite,i still can't sleep in...things have changed..i used to be able to sleep till 3pm also no problem but now..i feel tired and yet can't go back to sleep..thats the worst...
2nd day of the wk...still well within target...din study much in e day yesterday,heh...but made it up for it at nite..and dunno whether is i studied econs b4 thats y so slack or is i simply bo chup...somehow like study damm fast man...
someone recently encouraged me to go after my eye candy againz. (nahz..i m not mentioning names here,go guess yourself) but the first reason why i went for jac in e first place was is the chemistry between me and eye candy wasn't as strong so even if i went back and succeeded,this whole thing would still stick out of the r/s like a sore thumb...but someone also told me that i didn't give her enough time.may be she needs time to warm up to me and jurong point on the two dates isn't exactly the best place to hang out...i must admit my heart feels yang3 yang3 to go after her but i shall not for now...i mean,i don't want to be taking her as my life buoy..thats absolutely low...at the same time i must admit,she's a great catch...wow,looks and brains..the complete package...but she knows about jac so i shall just stay away and see how things unfold...hehe....dunno whether she had any interest in e first place,but after telling her about jac,no more smses etc from her..heh..ego's rather small lately.. =( sigh...haha...but i felt i gotta tell her...we are all adults so yah,i don't mind being truthful...and i gotta say,i m happy w my life now except that i miss HER so much..i have my friends,my family...they have all been really supportive...
haha...and did i say,i m gonna celebrate my 21st bdae??wow..R(A) shows here i come!! =P just joking....but dun think its gonna be a big bash..for those who were at my 18th too,sorry could not find the space to hold such a huge one again so make do w it k? =)
finally,i think they should throw in e towel...after failing to beat man city,i think they are too far behind chelsea to catch up..i hate to say it but the way man u is playing and not scoring,its like an impotent man who can't get sex!shit!how much possession must they get before they start scoring?damm sad...
on a lighter note,have been slacking thru out this few days...nothing done at all today again...went kusu island for the annual pilgrimage..jus treated it as family bonding..its gd..all 5 of us + cousins..we should have it more often... =) chance to interact and stuff...
sigh...double sigh...and triple sigh...tmr's the start of a new week,which means that i finally have to go back to my books...told myself that i will only rest over e wkend..which means-i have to start work tmr!!yeeks!!sian diao!
what is it about life that intrigues you?
the passion?
the dreams?
or the people?
different people view life in a different dimension
some just go on w the daily stuff in life,
others will try and seek some happiness,
for me,
i like the peace and quiet
but the occasional bustle and hustle of city life is welcomed at times
u must be thinking y m i saying all this,
but life and death is all predestined,
it has already been decided by the MAN up in the sky
when we should depart,
so we should life our life to our max
so we won't be letting ourselves down...
heh...quite a gd day...met nik to study today...shocked when the ger suggested studying!kao...studying on a sat is damm rare for her...but pleasantly surprised and pleased..we met at the holland v starbucks..n was next to the entire S'pore Idol finalists bar Daphnee..heh...slyvester,olinda,taufik and leandra were all beside me...not like i m a big fan of them,but its quite funny to see them in the flesh...strange thing is i wanted to bring a cam b4 leaving e hse..but somehow 4got abt it...not very productive today but hack...today's main motive was to mit nik coz haven seen her for a damm long time...missed her so...din wan to study today oso...tot of slacking but to encourage my dear fren,i decided to go w her...
i begin to think that alot of things have happened within my extended family this 2 yrs...
illnesses and deaths are all predestined...
we should cherish the pple around us
treat each moment as if it is going to our last
for we will never know what might happen
what might happen is not for us to decide
so to avoid any regrets,
never take your loved ones for granted...
and so its the end of the exams...ooppss...only 2 papers to go...n that is on the 16th and the 19th...gonna take a well-deserved break...been alittle under the weather lately and eye bags all popping out...sigh...i fear being an under achiever...haf studied alot but somehow think din really concentrate while studying so sad to say,so far,not much confidence...biz law is touch and go..while OB-sigh and double sigh...don't even get me started on it...feel its gng to be a flop...hopefully my proj and discussion will pull me up...
went jp w the class..love those guys alot...really enjoy gng out in a huge group once in awhile...beats gng out alone w another ger alone...well,depends lah...anyway,SHE'S clubbing at NEW ASIA BAR now...so qiao3...i wore the same attire as when we first went out and we went to the NEW ASIA BAR..funny thing now i think of as i was stopped at the door...been god knows how long since i last saw her...well,at least its gd to know that she's happy and enjoying herself on the fri nite even though her next paper is on tue..hack lah...she's old enough to know what she's doing and she doesn't even give a god-damm heck about me so let's try to get her out of my system FAST!great food to celebrate the end of a bad week...hopefully i dun slack too much and 4get abt the remaining two papers...looking at all the bo liao pics i took of the food,i feel damm hungry now...find that my stomach's weird..first i was damm full and now less than 4hrs later,i m feeling relli hungry...
after e meal,we had nothing much to do...well,u certainly can't do much in jp...so we went our separate ways..driving certainly has its disadvantages.. =P u gotta send so many pple around...haha..not that i minded though but i couldn't find any mobil on the way...so sorry dad!hah...

ermmz...this doesn't look that appetising w the green stuff...haha...coriander catch or sth liddat which hui jun and emily had... =)

Peri Peri Prawns which jas had...oso looks yummy....

Fish & Chips...always a fav w everyone...4 out 8 of us had that...tell u guys a secret,i have nv tried the fish & chips ever at Fish & Co.. =(

My seafood platter...yum yum.... =P damm full after eating

My dear class at fish & co in jp...although we could not have everyone here for reasons best known to them only...from left (glenn,ME,jas,emily,mei ni,hui jun,liying and pierre)
my last entry...ermmz...b4 the start of the dreaded event tmr...biz law tmr...doe noe why i m still apprehensive despite taking exams for as long as i can remember...its D-Day tmr,the new beginning...my first exams in tertiary life..let it be a gd start and hopefully i will do well enough to secure an A...well,isn't that the grade that we should aim for??bless me...i m gonna slp now...wish me luck yah? *winks*
i m missing u again as i m writing this...
can u pls get out of my system soon??
u r really affecting me!!!
i m bo liao...its sort of a rhetorical qn...no one will answer me and yet i still blog...sigh...life nowadys is such that i still feel shit...its been a mth...well,almost...n i have known her for almost a month too..how come i still feel so much for her??tell me!!someone pls tell me!!
i blasted my radio loud this afternoon to this song...i wish i can follow according to wad EAMON says...here goes...
"Fuck It (I Don't Want You Back)"
Whoa oh oh
Ooh hooh
No No No
[Verse 1:]
See, I dont know why I liked you so much
I gave you all, of my trust
I told you, I loved you, now thats all down the drain
Ya put me through pain, I wanna let u know how I feel
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back
[Verse 2:]
You thought, you could
Keep this shit from me, yeah
Ya burnt bitch, I heard the story
Ya played me, ya even gave him head
Now ya askin for me back
Ya just another act, look elsewhere
Cuz ya done with me
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Ya questioned, did I care
You could ask anyone, I even said
Ya were my great one
Now its, over, but I do admit I'm sad.
It hurts real bad, I cant sweat that, cuz I loved a hoe
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
Oh oh
Uh huh yeah
[Until the end]
but at e end of the song,i can't do it...she means too much to me....even though we were never together,she's ultimately still the one that taught me how to love...i should wake up my F**KING IDEA SOON!time heals all wounds...dun u think u've taken more than enough time??
there was nothing to say the day u left
i filled a suitcase full of regrets
i held a taxi in the rain
looking for some place to ease the pain
i just finished studying OB.funny that i m done w it earlier than biz law.and biz law is one day earlier.nvm,its well within my plan of finishing up both agency and organisations tmr.gonna try complete another past yr paper for biz law tmr.then consider it done.heh...but study means study.being able to absorb and then analyse within the stressful conditions is another.m quite fearful of thur's paper.frankly,out of 4 subjects,this is the one i find it easiest and most enjoyable,so of course i m most afraid of screwing this up.i hope after weeks of torment when i have even lost old cheerful self,i would finally have sth to cheer about.may HE bless me and let me sail through this whole examination w flying colours! =)
i went to talk to her on msn just now.
i should just fucking get her out of my system.
n so i failed...fucking picked up the hp to sms her last nite 2 wish her gd luck for today's start of exams...couldn't slp after that...hp was in silent mode w no vibration but kept waking up,hoping 2 see '1 message received'. am finally up now,10am,convinced that she won't acknowledge the msg...that was the first msg i have sent her in abt a month...i m fucked up!i actu can't 4get her despite everything!na bei! @#%@#%@^@^$! :(
i hope guys who read the previous entry don't get cold feet.
because love is such that when u feel that for the special someone,u won't hesitate in giving her the very best to your humble ability.so if u really like or love someone,don't be afraid to give.coz even if one day this person leaves,u can tell yourself that u have already given her everything.if she doesn't reciprocrate,it can only be her loss.
of course,in the case of me,it is hardly any consolation at all.sigh.
a very gd fren of mine jus got attached.jr and belle,if u r reading this,
to find the special someone depends on fate.
to get together w this special someone requires more than just fate.
it also requires luck.
bro,i m happy u found e special someone in belle.
cherish every moment w her as if its gonna be your last.
that way,even if (touchwood!) one day she's gone,
u'll at least look back and think of the great times u once spent w her.
never ever take each other for granted bcoz once gone,regret will fill u.
regret is the worst thing that can happen to someone
bcoz u know u r wrong,
yet u can't do anything abt it.
jr and belle,
wishing u guys many great moments ahead together!
what is love?
at e age of 21(oh well,almost)
i must say,i m pretty much a greenhorn at it.
i seldom see gers that interest me,
even if they do,the novelty soon fades off.
ber jokes that mebe i m not str8,
says gays will love me.
but nah,it has nothing to do w my sexual orientation.
i m convinced i m str8.
just that,ermmz..i m quite ignorant abt such stuff.
till the month of sept,
when i first met her,
i tot i have found the one.
not many gers make me smile e moment i wake up,
n certainly not many wouldmake me drive
all the way to town,just to spend an additional 20mins w her.
she seemed everything to me.
at least that was for then.
i really tot she was the one.
but her true colours soon showed
n i crashed back to earth.
it hurted a great deal then
n it jolly still hurts a fucking lot now.
for a guy who tot that he had found the one,
he was brought back to reality in a flash,
this is the story of kelvin
who hope this would serve as a warning
to guys before they decide to be nice to
the ger they think is theirs.
have u wondered why we work so hard?
from young,we study...study all e way till we graduate
then we work to earn money
most likely most of us will be working our asses of in order to get a more comfortable life.
then we work n work till we retire.
N before we know it,we are no longer existent in this world.
so wads the point of working so hard u might be thinking?
BUT the reason we work hard
is to give our spouses and children a better life next time.
well,at least thats for me.
if i could make enough,i wouldn't want my wife to work in future,
just stay home and be a tai tai.
the high teas and shopping,
the pedicures and manicures.
a successful man is one who makes enough for his wife to spend
a successful woman is one who is able to spend what her husband makes