Monday, July 21, 2008

The Forgotten Man...

In life, we can't always have it smooth-sailing. 3 weeks of ordeal and counting. We tend to take everything around us for granted. Simple things like walking. I have been walking for as long as I can remember, maybe even before that. However, this particular misfortune has caused me to slow and reflect. Stop and think of the things that really matter. Amidst the rat race that is still going on, I have taken a step back to rest this poor leg. Good luck to those auditors who are still slogging despite the famous term "off-peak". Perhaps, that word is over rated. Is there ever off peak in audit? I doubt so. Off-peak is just a magical term coined to boost the morale (READ: lower the turnover rate) of the existing staff. Enough said. I have become the forgotten man. Soccer every Sunday used to be my antidote to a hard week. The 2 hours with my chumps of 10years back sweep away whatever blues that had accumulated during the week where all concentration would be getting the bloody ball into the goal (opponent's goal). The team's doing well. There has been new additions to replace me. Perhaps, I have really been replaced. Will I ever play soccer again? Hmm.. Or should it be, will I ever dare to play soccer again?
Tue 22/7/08
Its Tue at last. Time for medical appointment. Spent the nite tossing in bed worrying abt what could happen. Thank god all was fine! Allowed to walk without crutches. After 22 days!! Its no joke trying to walk without crutches after almost a mth w it. Its definitely harder than I imagined. Thankfully, I managed. Finally able to walk normally. Leg still can't bend. Now, for the removal of the brace. 2 weeks more and hopefully, I will be able to walk like before. :)


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