Question: Why do people like me like to stay up even at such an unearthly hour while reading our damn textbooks?
1.We love to wake up looking like a panda.
2.We can't get to slp.
3.We have nothing else better to do.
4.Slp is a waste of time.
5.To stay guard in our houses in case someone breaks in.
The sickening reason of why we stay up is because of the stupid exams.i hate exams.they make me fat.they make me tired.
Just look at me now,potato chips eaten.instant noodles half eaten.this is like so unhealthy.yesterday was some instant beehoon.the day before was nasi pattaya + prata.well,if this goes on,kelvin is going to be a fat arse soon.argh!
Feeling tired?fear not,just read your textbooks in the comforts of your bed.guaranteed to make u fall aslp...Those doctors should prescribe textbooks to patients who can't slp.coz books make me slp!Financial Management?gah!wtf!i dunno y when we r doing something enjoyable like hanging out w your close ones,u never want the night to end,never will feel tired.but when u r doing as crappy as reading your FM text at this hr of the day,u feel like going to bed.
Talking about food,
craving for
Crystal Jade's Xiao Long Bao + Ha Kau + Dumpling noodles (yummy succulent chrimps)
Pastamania's Vongole spaghetti (craving for cream based spaghetti in general)
Marche's Dory Fish
Oyster Omelette ( i m not fussy.)
Sushi (lots of!)
Salmon Sashimi
Ice cream (chocolate,strawberry,vanilla,anything goes.)
...n the list goes on...
Gonna pig it out when the hols comes...
Let's all get fat together! =P
sian...4 more days and we'll be through!
2 more papers
4 more days
Countless more hours
holidays,here we come!
sigh...another chapter to go before i slp...
U all know sth, i feel so blessed to have so many pple to care for me during this tumultous period.i never knew so many pple have been reading the entries that i write.
Circumstances change with time.i know all of u are really concerned about me.well,u all ask urself wad would u do if u were in my shoes?to all in a r/s,r u relli happy in ur r/s?if yes,good.if not,what makes u carry on?the fact that we all make mistakes is enough reason to believe that LOVE = forgiveness.As long as the happy moments outlast the bad times,thats adequate,isn't it?because LOVE is about sacrifice.I asked a very gd friend of mine for his opinion.Let's call him B.B said tt he would do e same too if he was me.What i need is the support of u guys.And if i do fall again next time,i can't blame myself but just myself.
To (u know who u r):U certainly have every right to be angry w me and I'll understand it if u all dun support me but i just hope that,this doesn't affect e beautiful friendship that we share."We all go through a period of darkness once in awhile.But if we do persist,miracles happen and we will even see a rainbow in the dark."
Whatever decision that has been made,it'll be my own responsibility.And if i do ever fall again,i won't blame anyone for not showing me with concern coz i know that u all already did initially.
But what i hope is judge me as a friend from what u value me as.Don't let this incident or saga affect us.i may disappoint alot of pple with my latest decision,looking at the tagboard.but we are friends or even closer than just mere friends bcoz of what we've gone through.and for that,i wanna tell J****** T** & wj tt we will be bro and sisters always no matter what happens in the future.give me your word ok?i will be disappointed if u guys disappear because of what i do now.bcoz ultimately,i treasure and cherish all of u too.thats wad i wanna tell all of u.these are my heartfelt words.
A LETTER To JXXXXXX TXX ( u know who u r) :i m sorry i spoilt the image of myself in u.
i dunno what image i had before u initially
but i do know that u r disappointed in me.
I know that u care for me and that is why u reacted that way.
If u dun care,u won't react this way.
U may not know but u matter alot to me too.
We sometimes stray even when we are walking in a straight line.
We tend to do stupid things when we r blindly in love.
Its during these times,that i need someone like u to guide me back to the correct path.
to push me back on track and to listen to me.
to whack me into shape and to provide me with so much advice.
ur kor needs his little sis around.
i'll buck up and pull up my socks.
let's just put this behind us?
i still hope that u will still be the pillar around when i need someone there.
lastly,i jus want to tell u again that i m sorry.
First of all,let me start this entry by apologising to jasmine tan,jr and wj for not joining u guys for lunch.I M SORRY.i needed to settle some stuff.we will do lunch again soon k?may be next wk after FM...
All of them are right.
You are right.
I m such a stupid idiot.
Worst things that i ever heard.
I think i lead a sheltered life.
for i have never heard such strong words.
Your words have hurt me
but i won't be affected.
for I m strong.
What your words will do
is to drive me to greater heights.
Women are weird.
Things were just okay.
I m not going to say what we did just now but
We did things that we used to do.
but u suddenly threw a tantrum
for god knows why.
Its okay.
I was driving back
and i realised that what i say still holds.
As in,i will wait for u.
whether in vain,only the MAN up there knows.
But i'll prove that for now,u made the wrong choice.
Today showed it all.
Only time will tell everything,
and i assure u that if u had hoped
that if u had said those words
in the hope that
that i screw up my remaining papers,
this desired effect will not materialise
coz i m a stronger man than that.
I know that u are not evil,
and you do have feelings from this 4months.
But whether what u had hoped to achieve
when u said those words doesn't matter,
because over the course of this 3 days,
I know i m strong.
I have always been strong.
Since young.
To say that i can't put this relationship aside is absurd,
and to say that u are suffering is too much.
for,since when were u the victim?
I m the one being chucked aside now.
It may not be pleasant to the ears.
But just now,as i departed from the surroundings
that had gone so familiar in this 4 months,
some of your words woke me up.
I m going to be the old Kelvin.
One that is strong and secure.
happy and smiling.
But having said all these,
memories don't just die off when u want it to be.
This entry might be too straight forward
so i m sorry if u din like the way i said it.
If i had hurt u today,
i apologise,for i will still be the piggy that u once knew.
and u would still be the little cow.
U may think its stupid to say this,
but to be fair to all 3 of us,
see u again in 2 weeks.
u know,i din know so many pple read the shit that i write until such a thing happens.Thanks guys and gals.I will be strong and thank u so much for ur concern.I m thankful for the care that u guys have given me, i guess i must have done sth great in my previous life to deserve such great friends.
To S45 yandao,i dunno how to change my tagboard colour leh.and i think my blog can leave comments leh.just click the date and time at the end of the entry.then for that entry,click the add a comment at the end.then add.The rest of u are welcome to add anything u want. :)
Do u guys believe in dreams?
i was in bed last night(strictly speaking this morn),
trying to get myself to slp.
then came the recall.
i seemed to have dreamt that HE was coming back for HER once before.
i put it off back then.
i told no one.
coz faith is an important word in a relationship that once was.
so much so that i felt so stupid after sending her to meet HIM.
or just plain foolishness?
i once told her.
losing her was my greatest fear.
she replied that i would never lose her.
lose and
losing has turned into
i hurt myself this morning.
to see if i still feel.
i focus on the pain.
because thats the only thing thats real in life. apt..sweet memories are all there to be all relationships,we did have our unpleasant petty squabbles.but i told her and some others once,as long as the happy times outweigh the sad ones,i will still carry this relationship.
but it has gotten too heavy for my frail shoulders.
suddenly,i feel so weak.
so frail.just feel like disappearing.
The four months seemed to have flown by.
So so fake.just like a sweet dream.
the feeling is like being woken up from a sweet dream
and u just want to relive the feeling.
its like going through the worst nightmare
and you can't wait to wake up.
so whether u have a positive or negative outlook to life,
will depend on how u see it.
While most of u r busy concentrating on your exams,let me break ur concentration by sharing w u a story.
a pretty cruel ending u might find it has.
the day started off rather badly.he woke up w a bad flu and started sneezing like crazy.shit!tts wad he thought.he should not have spent the night in e comforts of an aircon room.he realised he was damn late.he had to rush he did.
he reached sch to find her waiting for him. "i'll b meeting him later". tt was one of the first things she told him.he couldn't do anything.completely defenceless he jus nodded as he took out the newpaper he had in his bag.
later on,as he was reading the newpaper,he caught a glimpse of her it were some msgs tt he shudn't haf saw.curiousity got the better of him as he asked her abt it.
she denied everything and just said that they talked last night.he was disappointed,for he had msged her twice before he slept.
she jus pushed off everything tt he probed.not convinced,he continued.the little insensitive bugger in him just went on and on.she told him tt she loved he jus assumed everything was ok.
later on,this stupid shit actually went to send her to meet him.gosh.don't laugh but he felt so stupid later.he did not know what was going to happen later so he tried reading his accounting in the comforts of Mcdonalds.after jus abt 40 mins of studying,he was still on pg 2 of the lecture notes.he was getting restless when his phone was a strange number but fairly familiar.he answered.his greatest nightmare was about to be was him.seemed like she did have something to tell him.he felt weird so he probed.n he found out something that he did not like hearing.she had made her decision to leave him.
he could not believe it.after all that she had told him.he called her straight and asked for an explanation.she said alot.and he just stood there.lost.he just could not believe signs of this disaster either.she was or had already left him.he asked if he could send her home one last time.she did not even grant him this wish.he really craved to give her a big bear hug.however,under the watchful eyes of him,he could not.he knew he was defeated.he had lost his gal.he was sad.slowly he trudged off unwillingly to the lift lobby.thats when he knew what he wanted.he chased after her in the direction of the MRT.he reached the control station but no one was in sight.did he take too long?or how come she had just disappeared into thin air?he tried calling her.there was no response.unsatisfied,he ran up the escalators to the restaurants up there.he went into noodle hut,sakae sushi and subway hoping that she was there having her dinner.
finally he reached her.he needed to see he took the train to dhoby ghaut.the short journey seemed like an eternity.when he finally saw her,it needed plenty of persuasion to finally convince her to let him send her home.
the journey home was a slow one.think of it,no exaggertation,he had never driven that slow in his whole life.not before listening to a load of bullshit from her mother.he hated her.wrong,still hating now.fcuking bitch who caused all this.all was still and would have been fine.
the journey home suddenly felt so short.he reached her place in not time.his heart just took him to all the little nooks and corners around.he saw the number 12 and the familiar blue pick-up.he reversed and saw the dog.he hated dogs.any animals.for her,he was willing to change.they went to the playgrounds.he sat on the swing.the bench.the slide.they had a long talk.he wasted alot of tissues much that his contact lenses actually fell out.he felt possessed to be honest.he din know why he did certain things.
she had to he decided to face up to reality.he dropped her off,not without the promise that he would still be around when she needed him.she was special.with that,he went off.he stopped his car by the playground that was so familiar to seemed just like yesterday that they were there having nuggets on the benches.he got out of the car.walked.his legs brought him back to her place.the curtains were drawn.but he knew she would be in the living room watching her show.he thought he saw the sillohette of her.the dog started to bark.darn dog.he had to he left.sat on the benches again refusing to leave the place.
time went about midnight or thereabouts,he left.he drove to her last time he thought.he peered at the gate.the wooden door was shut tight.she must have gone up.he really had hoped to see her or just the sillohette of her again.resigned to fate,he left for his car.he drove through the familiar stretch of road again.he stopped specially outside her gate,stepped on the accelerator and disappeared.
he needed to pee.but alas,he was going home when he saw something that made him change his route.he stopped at jln kayu.he sat at the seat they just sat on last friday.he ordered milo dino and satay.they finally had satay!he looked across the table but the seat was empty.he took a bite and then a few sips,footed the bill and left.he was is cruel.
in the car,his contact lenses came out again while he was rubbing his eyes.frustrated,he chucked it aside.he had better be careful with his driving.just one 'working' eye.he drove at snail's pace.
he finally got home.all was asleep except his bro.stupid.he asked him,"how come your eyes so red?" his mum woke up and saw.she shook her head and did not say much.she knew that her son was in pain.she gave him a pat on his back as he wrote this.he felt better.the warmth of his family.that really is still the most important.he needed that pat on the back.she had left.he had left the place.but she never left his heart.she infact,is still on his mind now.must be talking on the phone now.
what a night he had.he felt alone.not that he needed someone around.but he wanted her back.but she made her decision.and being the gentleman that he was,he was going to respect that.
he went to his box.retired the ring into it.he saw the movie ticket stubs.along with those he had in the wallet.13 he counted.1 was stupid.constantine-sat behind her just to catch the movie.the other was hitch-with her bro.
he realised that life was never going to be the same.
Life can be cruel.just when the hols was approaching.
We tend to take the people around us for granted.It is only after we lose something,do we actually realise it has been lost.I've already feeling the loss now.regret not taking enough pictures.
This promises to be a long night.and if u feel that all this isn't bad enough,accounting paper on wed and life just seems to get worse.
he saw the bear on this bed.hopefully,this bear will be enough company for him tonight.
just LOST.
dunno what i m waiting for but just hope to hear the familiar handphone tune soon.
he isn't going to hear that because the decision had been made and he had already changed the tone to "Fixing a broken heart".
how long is this heart going to be fixed?its been a nightmare of catastrophic proportions.he really hopes to wake up and just realise that everything was just a dream.will there be a twist to this story and result in a happy ending for the male lead?or will it end in further tragedy?
-to be continued...
i was talking to my best fren bernard online e other day and he told me he read my blog.Holy cow!most of u reading this must be thinking that its no biggie but i never knew he read it.the last entry.n the prev one.and even the one before that.i don't know who reads this shit but this is my BLOG and it contains just my thoughts.
its saturday.strictly speaking,its already sunday morning.can't get to sleep.damn.
jus finished studying alittle of accounting.still abit more to go.
Why must there be exams?i never liked exams and never will.Why can't we just learn and be happy?exams give people stress...i wish that everyone will be happy..i m lucky coz i for one is not really affected by stress but i wish those who read this will cheer up.just hang in there.the hols are knocking on our doors soon!
on a lighter note,caught CREEP with dear yest.quite a scary movie but not really a gd fact,i should say,the ending sucks.till now,i don't know why the killer did what he did etc.
such is the monotony of life is that when i turn in to go to bed later,i will wake up in the morning.or afternoon.and the whole shit starts again.
financial management.
caught your attention?
Only for above 18 or 21 depending on where u live in.
This website u r about to visit could cause embarrasment as in typical Asian communities.
So if u r sure that u r open-minded,
There was this interesting article i read abt last bored frm the f**king mkting..
A french student has been hailed a human calculator after solving the ultimate mental arithmetic challenge-finding the 13th root of a 200-digit number-in under 9 minutes without writing anything down. For dumbos like me who don't know what a 13th root is,this is the number which, multiplied by itself 13 times, matched the 200-digit that was tested.
The question was: What is the 13th root of 8368956688236956939837328662225645224726780466493836677497357558157
41909770449305660268402771869624155688082648640933? about long qns...whew...
and the answer was : 2391481494636373
i gotta salute this guy...what a genius...most of us would have given up even if we had used a pen and a piece of paper..this bugger didn't even write anything down..
Most of us have have a touch of genius in us.It just hasn't been discovered yet.Some are just waiting to be discovered.
Oh ya,i didn't come up with the above question and answer myself..can check out this website..
i read w great amusement about the by now famous love proposal that happened in NUS a few wks back.i had heard of it through some frens but it actually came out in the papers.Thanks to the guts of the guy,the gal is feeling traumatised now i think.u can read more abt her thoughts. this is her
blog.. As for both of them,i guess their lives,at least for the coming months will never be the same again.because this has been one piece of news that even made it to the Sunday Times today.tongues will wag,gossips will flow,eyes will stare.well,what else?FAME?or jus some publicity that they won't want?The girl could just be the next big thing online..guess when that happens,who should she thank?
for me,i guess for this to happen in an Asian community is alittle unexpected.As mentioned,even our foreign counterparts in the 'White' countries has taken notice of this incident.heh..Its not even as if they are together.So how did the guy expect her to react?and aren't we Asians supposed to be more laid back?Engineering fac?No offence but isn't this the place where muggers supposedly rule the roost?okok..guess i m just being sterotypical.i for one,do know a few cool dudes from NUS engine..
But i must say if NTU had such an "on" lecturer,one that actually blends in with the young env tt he's teaching in,the learning environment would be a tad better.i can't believe a professor actually had a part to play in this proposal.
Instead,we haf an Indian who speaks as if he's singing to the whole LT,a Cheena from China who speaks English in a way understood only if u really put your 110% listening power to.I wonder why they can't get NORMAL tutors for stats.
A professor that comes late every lesson since the very first tutorial.Keeps talking about how good he is be fair,he did not actually say that he's good.well,but we (my frens and i) din study for more than a decade to not realise what he's actually implying.Being late is one thing,ending early is that is actually what a professor is getting paid for,i will try hard to study till that routine in future (if i ever become a stats tutor).modified from him.
1.come to class LATE in the same shirt everytime ( be fair,he may have MANY MANY of the same shirts.or maybe that particular shirt is reserved for THURSDAY)
2.sit down.
3.refer to his answers for tutorial.
4.crap alittle of his lame jokes (wow..i din know that there was actually a relationship between amount of perfume sold and weather.i guess we learn something new everydat.
5.say how good his so and so Gladys or whoever is.
6.promote FYP and its importance if u want to get a fat expat pay overseas.
7.hey presto,before u know it,its end of lessons.0945am?9am?(e last tut tt we had.)time for breakfast.
8.good job isn't it?come to class for an average of 30-45mins each time.appear in some financial shows once in awhile.and take home a 6 figure annual is easy...
MORAL OF THE STORY: its possible to land a job (with a fat pay,mind u) in some Big city if u get drunk once every two nights.or jump into the so-called canal behind zouk and be rescued by guys,exposing yourself in the process.
ermm..the water body seems like a river to me and its actually quite deep.
A footnote: Any of the above observation or description is purely coincidental. It has made no living references to anyone,either dead or alive. If you don't quite understand any of the following,just ask me.
Road signs?look again... :)

Try the quiz when u guys are bored will u?
No prizes for those who score distinction but those who fail,U SHUD B ASHAMED!haha...just may be quite just try it.the link is below..