The much awaited recess!
And so right after chinese new yr came the much awaited recess! i tot it would be a good break to recharge my batteries, only to realise there's so much to do. 2 projects and 1 quiz straight after the break. Wow...what a good way to spend the recess isn't it?
Today is the 3rd day of the recess. AND i've been out everyday doing project. Luckily i like my group mates, both 304 and 306.
Yesterday was spent at Pacific Coffee Company. I had a huge cup of hot chocolate which came with a huge saucer.

After much discussion on the case, here's what we did while we relaxed on the comfy couches. Ok, after much persuasion, i got the team to pose for pics. Only camera shy jr did not want his face to appear in this blog so u can guess for yourself which pic is him.

Check the various grp members out. Look at Jas advertising for JUICE magazine while Annie giving the 'Victory' sign to signal almost the end of the meeting. Ok, i admit i got them to pose in their respective poses. And see how shagged jr became, burying his face under his notes. I love the company of these people, always time for crap amid serious stuff.
And so, today was another long day. Reach school at 8+ and left at 630pm making me no difference from an office worker. I guess this is good training for the future.
Anyway, Check out this long queue at 7pm in the evening in Liberty Market in Jurong Point. Guess what this queue is for?
Gong Xi Gong Xi !!!
The two days of the Lunar New Yr has flown by quickly. Here's some pics to recap the two days.
Day 1: Whole day at my paternal granny's place. That was the only place we went the whole day. But...but...

WE PLAYED MAHJONG !! haha...managed to satisfy my craving for the gambling in particular mahjong. However, i was up against 2 aunties and a cousin and they were playing much bigger than i normally did. Lost $25 in the end. Goodness knows how many red packets that was. But... But... Dad sponsored my losses so did not really feel the pinch.
Day 2: Went round visiting and visiting. Many places but all i did was to play blackjack everywhere we went. Earlier on, i was in a deficit by $50 and i was feeling the pinch coz i was thinking of the things this can buy. Hahaha..but my luck changed and i managed to recoup everything + with interest. I've been lucky so far. Last stop was at my aunt's condo. I admit i have never been a fan of dogs but i've to admit that their dog's really cute.
Cute, ain't he? Happy Pig Year Everyone!
Valentine's Day + Huat Ah!!!
Wednesday 14th Feb was a memorable day. It was...ermm..Vday..But it was also my first quiz this semester. Initially after the paper i felt confident. But i realized i made 2 errors, 1 of them a stupid mistake so that sort of dampened my mood now. Heck la, it was Vday. So off we went to VivoCity for lunch and a movie. It was never going to be a major celebration, just some quality time spent together so we decided to try the SuperDog. Oh boy, was it expensive! 1 freaking hotdog bun for $5+ to $7+. Instantly, i felt that this may just be a passing fad. With increasing rental costs of prime locations such as Vivo, this chain
could have difficulty surviving. Well, i ain't going to bore you with such boring stuff so let's stop that topic. Anyway, the hotdog was ok but i like the mincemeat sauce that comes together with it. This could be one of the last times i visit this place due to pure economics- i was hardly full after a full meal.

'Just Follow Law' was up next. I like and support local films so there wasn't any chance that i would miss this. Fann Wong was hilariously funny after the conversion to
Lim Teng Zui. At 30+, wearing a
RED bikini, she shows she still possesses the figure that came with the package when she entered the industry some 10yrs + ago abeit being not alittle on the
flat side. I think she justifies a six figure sum for her performance here considering the millions that Hollywood pays.
And then, on Friday, the me, wj, sl and n went to lao hei. We forgot to take a group pic so do make do with this where you can see the lao hei. For people who are unaware, that's wj w me (i cut my hair, can tell?). We had fish steamboat and a number of other dishes. We were completely full by the end of the meal. Just some good crappy session with these people made it a good beginning to the festivities. Now, while the telly is blaring the usual accompaniment of countdown, I am feeling a wee bit bored. The gambling addict in me is craving for alittle bit of mahjong action (yes i know, i gamble on soccer, blackjack and now mahjong).
The week that flew a flash...
First up, gorgeous swedish meetballs and yummy, juicy succulent chicken wings from IKEA

when i went with J,jr and D to buy my new table
lamp. There you have it... Had the impulse to snap this picture while yours truly was typing this. Guess the stress from 304 is making me cranky. While selecting the purchase, jr and i had a debate on which lamp is the best bargain. We bought the same one in e end.
Thursday was another fun day. Went to Orchd for threading. J and i did our threading while D,S and jr tagged along. But not before stopping at Crystal Jade for lunch. It was damn pai seh coz we went to the one at the basement of Taka, sat inside for 15 minutes deciding what to have before leaving without ordering anything. I have never done such a thing in my life. We finally settled upon the La Mian Xiao Long Bao Crystal Jade. I like my chicken soup but the la mian wasn't really fantastic. The other bowl is d's la mian. The xiao long bao was good. I can't tell the difference between this and the ones at ding tai fung though. We really need lessons on how to eat the xlb. Instructions can be found in ding tai fung.

It has been another fast and furious week where work seems to be piling up. Have been a good boy pushing off all appointments since thur. Been at home ever since but the struggling hermit in me has not accomplished much because there's still plenty of distractions. Let me go through the remaining days till cny and think about work after that k? As the gambling period approaches, its no good to touch too many books (shu/lose).
What happens in your last semester in school..
There's sort of a campaign going around school with people wearing white tees. These white tees are interesting with witty lines regarding A***T. Wow. They even have a website set up for this. Hopefully the people in the plush chair sit up and take note of the overworked and underpaid unsung heroes behind every financial statement that gets issued. With the impending increment, fingers crossed that they follow a certain firm is raising the recognition level of us, the overslogged. Do check out this
website. At times, i think it really tickles the funny bone. I have an idea on who's behind it though not confirmed. Do check it out under my links too.
The Food Express continues...
U can't really see the queue from this pic but there was a rather long queue to enter the place.

When u see such long queues for dinner, will u still continue to queue? Well, my family and i did.
A normal Saturday. My bro wanted to eat steak. So i suggested Aston's. I haven tried the steak there so it was going to my maiden try.
In the end when the food came (some 45mins after we joined the queue), it was worth the wait.
Here's what we had. Looks good doesn't it?

Mine was an extra cut so it seemed bigger than my bro's. guess which of the four is mine? I really love the steak. Its thick and at a reasonable price. I have really been living it up lately. Eating well and playing well. Sleeping also quite well. Hopefully i find the mood for my books soon. Stay tuned as i continue my search for food. more good food.
More Fun!
Its as if i needn't go to school or go through the endless SSAs or FRSs. It was last friday. I ended school at 630pm. Went off to Mind Cafe @ Clarke Quay for games w J,JR and S. Good old fun talking cock and playing games. Especially like the 'Telephath' and 'Taboo'. Too bad we had to end early. Could have continued long into the night with the wkend just arriving.
Wednesday. My free day. This was special because this was my first time blading w these group of people. Again, J,JR and S trooped down to ECP for some sun and ermm..wheels. Must commend that JR is a super fast learner. Within 1st time can do 180 deg turns already.
Aft which we proceeded in search of more good food again. As we were in Katong, we had to try "ASTON'S SPECIALTIES" I like my grilled fish w herb sauce. I think the only person dissatisfied with her lunch was J simply because they took a freaking long time to serve her main course. This place to me is a must try and i will definitely return for steaks in the future!