Valentine's Day + Huat Ah!!!
Wednesday 14th Feb was a memorable day. It was...ermm..Vday..But it was also my first quiz this semester. Initially after the paper i felt confident. But i realized i made 2 errors, 1 of them a stupid mistake so that sort of dampened my mood now. Heck la, it was Vday. So off we went to VivoCity for lunch and a movie. It was never going to be a major celebration, just some quality time spent together so we decided to try the SuperDog. Oh boy, was it expensive! 1 freaking hotdog bun for $5+ to $7+. Instantly, i felt that this may just be a passing fad. With increasing rental costs of prime locations such as Vivo, this chain could have difficulty surviving. Well, i ain't going to bore you with such boring stuff so let's stop that topic. Anyway, the hotdog was ok but i like the mincemeat sauce that comes together with it. This could be one of the last times i visit this place due to pure economics- i was hardly full after a full meal.
And then, on Friday, the me, wj, sl and n went to lao hei. We forgot to take a group pic so do make do with this where you can see the lao hei. For people who are unaware, that's wj w me (i cut my hair, can tell?). We had fish steamboat and a number of other dishes. We were completely full by the end of the meal. Just some good crappy session with these people made it a good beginning to the festivities. Now, while the telly is blaring the usual accompaniment of countdown, I am feeling a wee bit bored. The gambling addict in me is craving for alittle bit of mahjong action (yes i know, i gamble on soccer, blackjack and now mahjong).
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