The week that flew a flash...
First up, gorgeous swedish meetballs and yummy, juicy succulent chicken wings from IKEA
lamp. There you have it... Had the impulse to snap this picture while yours truly was typing this. Guess the stress from 304 is making me cranky. While selecting the purchase, jr and i had a debate on which lamp is the best bargain. We bought the same one in e end.
Thursday was another fun day. Went to Orchd for threading. J and i did our threading while D,S and jr tagged along. But not before stopping at Crystal Jade for lunch. It was damn pai seh coz we went to the one at the basement of Taka, sat inside for 15 minutes deciding what to have before leaving without ordering anything. I have never done such a thing in my life. We finally settled upon the La Mian Xiao Long Bao Crystal Jade. I like my chicken soup but the la mian wasn't really fantastic. The other bowl is d's la mian. The xiao long bao was good. I can't tell the difference between this and the ones at ding tai fung though. We really need lessons on how to eat the xlb. Instructions can be found in ding tai fung. 

It has been another fast and furious week where work seems to be piling up. Have been a good boy pushing off all appointments since thur. Been at home ever since but the struggling hermit in me has not accomplished much because there's still plenty of distractions. Let me go through the remaining days till cny and think about work after that k? As the gambling period approaches, its no good to touch too many books (shu/lose).
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