Pics and more pics!
Snapshots of what I have been lately. May not be in chronological order due to the laziness though.

Miramar hotel after i came back for my 'holiday' in green

The 2 leads

For the uninitiated, these were complimentary dishes. The rest u had to order from the menu u see. Clockwise from top left, the menu, appetiser-yummy salmon sashimi, paper steamboat-dear loves the salmon in it and seafood soup from a teapot

This was the tip of what we had. We had repeated servings for most. What a way to celebrate my return to civilian life!
I played the 'Catch the coupons' game at the UOB roadshow! So malu!
Other happenings:

Met the gang for dinner + drink ages back. This was Jas's treat! 2 of them working alr. Working life seems scary.

Xy gave a treat eons back at Crystal Jade.

Literally making ourselves at home late one night. That's all we bummers do these days.

Even managed to queue for donuts! Hope the beneficiaries enjoyed them!

Yes, I got up bright and early and no one was ahead of me in the queue!
Forbidden City at Clarke Quay on Sat w the rest!
Pondering over drinks to order!
It was a fun night! We proceeded for mahjong after that! We should do this more often!
Met up w Jean for lunch today at Ichiban Boshi. Good company and nice food = Great afternoon!
Finally end of this post. HK on Thur! Yay!
Finally decided to blog after going on a hiatus.
Starting from the latest event, was Convocation 2007. 3 years of studying, 5 seconds of fame on stage and hopefully a lifetime of brighter future with that certificate in hand.

Here's my mum helping me 'get dressed'


Their son may be no scholar but at least I have made it thus far. This 2 folks have been a pillar behind me, supporting me when the waves get rough. At least I will be contributing to the family soon.
The empty folder we received
My sweet girl
Seeing double? This is e twin sister who's gg to be my travel mate in a wk's time
The best sis anyone can have. I mean not related by blood one
Xy who has given us much to talk about lately. Ok, shall not be bad coz i got 恩于她
Mahjong gang. These pple tot me gambling. Let's have a game soon!
Dear tried capturing me with my mortarboard in the air. Not much of a success
Some of the others who had the misfortune or privilege of taking pics w me. I think the whole event wasn't really that fantastic because there was enough time to take pics since the Acc fac was split into 2. Given another chance, there were many more pple i would wanna take pics with.
Many more pics still to come. Esp JR!
First up, dinner treat by dad for the paternal side on Sunday.

This is jus the tip of the iceberg. The table wasn't big enough to put the remaining food.
Met Dear's cousins for lunch on Mon. Oh man, they are naughty! Especially the boy. Reminded me alittle of my childhood but I guess I wasn't as naughty. We went to Jack's Place.

This was what the five of us had.

This was arguably the highlight! Escargots for my first time! But I still prefer my mussels and oysters anytime

Hungry pple. Another cousin is missing in action

熟? Being with them makes me reminisce my childhood and stokes my paternal instincts!Fake..
Feeling sinful for all the food I have had in recent weeks + the impending SAF 'chalet in 2 weeks time, I went for a run on Tuesday for the first time in ages! I hate to admit but I struggled to run. Limbs and thighs felt heavy. I feel so flabby now.

I fell! I was avoiding someone on the pavement and I stepped on the grass. Fate would have it that it was a hole with grass covering it. Ouch! I still managed to gek sei and ran off coz there were many pple at the bus stop. Once out of sight I stopped to examine the wounds.
Had cheap jap lunch w Dear ytd in Tanjong Pagar. Credits to J/SL for introducing mi to that hideout above a coffeeshop.
CBD area is so small. Within the short 1hr i was there, I saw my sis, jt and an army fren. I wonder whether I will meet others if i start working in future. My sis sleeps in the next room but on some days we do not even talk due to us keeping different hours but to see her the moment I just reached T.P speaks of freakiness or coincidence, whichever way you put it.

We caught Transformers along with Princess and her fren, JQ. Its surely my favourite show this year. Makes being a fighter pilot seem so easy!
Shopping at ZARA soon followed. I know I am 麻烦 when i shop but that's because I want to make sure things are perfect. The broke man spent his GST credits on 1 office shirt and pants. I think I have gotta start asking for reimbursements soon.
We went to Zion Road for sinful food. I think I gotta workout again soon!
The week that just flew by
Not mundane and certainly not boring. With meetups and sleepovers to fill my appetite for endless fun.

We went to Clarke Quay. Wanted to search for factory outlets but ended up disappointed. Paid Xy an impromptu surprise visit. Good to see the rest of the NTU people again. Felt a bout of nostalgia to see everyone trooping out, ala NTU lecture theatre 1A

We saw the G-Reverse Bungee Jump. No temptation to try this at all. Fear rides are out for me not because I am scared but perhaps I have outgrown them. Too many shows of Final Destination etc make me rational about accidents that might happen. I have a long life ahead. No point putting the next few decades in jeopardy for few minutes of excitement and adrenaline.
Session of coffee, shopping, dinner and talk with J on Thur. Of jokes of drills and wells, blacks, yellows and what nots, of work blues and places to visit in HK, we had a good meetup.

The Zara outlets resembled a battlefield with clothes and shoes strewn all over the place. Ignoring the mess, we still fought a losing battle and did not pick up and spoils from the Zara sale.

We had a good dinner at Baker's Inn. The sweet lass paid for my dinner knowing how broke I was. And I was sent home in a cab without forking out a single cent. Now awaiting the start of work. J, I owe you 1! wait, not 1 but 2!

Stayed over to accompany the gals on Friday night. Haha. Hope I did not create any unnecessary inconvenience. was i a 不速之客?

Supper in Geylang. Oyster mee sua/豆浆油条! Tell mi how not to get fat?!!

If you were to examine closely, our specs are all similar!

Rise and shine! And the first person i see is my gal!

Hail the Queen! The gal bought a new pair of shades!

We went to Red Star for Dim Sum. Satisfied after a filling meal. Hot afternoons make me sleepy.

We entertained ourselves on the MRT train. This is the only pic I have. The rest w the 2 of them so check out their blogs if you are interested.
WARNING!! The next few images may put you off because of its grotesque content. I am not going to be responsible for sleepness nights and nightmares!

After a satisfying day, time to rejuvenate. I was pampered with mask painstakingly put on by dear on my big face.
It has been a great start to my weekend. Hope you all felt the same.