Finally decided to blog after going on a hiatus.Starting from the latest event, was Convocation 2007. 3 years of studying, 5 seconds of fame on stage and hopefully a lifetime of brighter future with that certificate in hand.

Their son may be no scholar but at least I have made it thus far. This 2 folks have been a pillar behind me, supporting me when the waves get rough. At least I will be contributing to the family soon.The empty folder we received
My sweet girl
Seeing double? This is e twin sister who's gg to be my travel mate in a wk's timeThe best sis anyone can have. I mean not related by blood one
Xy who has given us much to talk about lately. Ok, shall not be bad coz i got 恩于她
Mahjong gang. These pple tot me gambling. Let's have a game soon!
Dear tried capturing me with my mortarboard in the air. Not much of a success
Some of the others who had the misfortune or privilege of taking pics w me. I think the whole event wasn't really that fantastic because there was enough time to take pics since the Acc fac was split into 2. Given another chance, there were many more pple i would wanna take pics with.
Many more pics still to come. Esp JR!
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