Welcome To My Life
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Certain people in school jus make me mad. Without mentioning names, I get pissed off when pple tell me they do not know how to do certain things and expect me, with little or no knowledge of a company to continue their work. I HATE CLEARING UP AFTER PEOPLE POO! When you claim that u do not know how to start your report after staring at the computer for 3 hours seriously speaks volume of your dedication. Especially after i sent you not one, not two but THREE FREAKING REPORTS that you could refer to. and one of them entails the VERY SAME COMPANY that you had to do. i know doing one company alone is difficult. But what has come out of your report so far? This is the final time we are doing a project and you tell me you do not know how to write a report? U claim that E has helped you alot and thats why you approach me. So if both of us help u, what are you left to do? U kicked up a big fuss in school and said we left you out of our discussion. BUT u freaking refused to move your position when we were having a discussion. That again spoke volumes of your attitude. Do you expect the information to fall onto your lap? The discussion to revolve around you? Think again! That would explain why you did not know what was happening and u dare claim that we did not inform you that we were not going to include that part? And your best reason for that is that you are sad after the quiz. Well, is that a good excuse? Tell you what, I m not afraid of offending you even if you read this. I can tell you that people aren't happy. And its just not me alone man!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Missing the good old days
As i mug for the neverending quizzes that i have come to expect this semester, i yearn for a good game of soccer. A good run in the sun to run off the lethargy. A good workout to wake those sleeping muscles up. And of course, a good laugh along with the people you call brothers.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Yet another week has passed...
Yes...i think i can officially countdown the number of days left of my final semester. This semester has been passing very fast. With the number of quizzes and presentations that we are having, its little wonder that time seems to fly since i keep hoping that the shit will be over. And so another quiz, 206 this time came and went. Only one lesson on friday. This was what M and i did to keep ourselves occupied during the boring lesson...
Cool isn't 'he'? Using the cup that M had his coffee from, he drew the face, followed which i continued with the moustache and earrings. Haha...i wouldn't like to meet such a person in real life however cool he is.
Went w the rest to People's Park Centre to check out some tour packages for korea and japan on friday. Found some of them rather interesting in particular the itineraries for korea which had a tour in a submarine some 30m below sea level, spa castle and the famous teddy bear museum. Went for a sumptous dinner after that. Hands were alittle itchy and was lucky to persuade j,jr and s to play overnight mj. I love my fridays!
And so, we played mj again! haha..lady luck was smiling at me.
If not, how do u explain this?? For mj players, what is the probability of getting this? When i told dad abt it the next day, he even told me he hasn't seen such a thing in his years of playing. I think i am addicted to the mj. Haha..seems like if there's nothing to do, i will try to psycho people to play. *evil me*

Went w the rest to People's Park Centre to check out some tour packages for korea and japan on friday. Found some of them rather interesting in particular the itineraries for korea which had a tour in a submarine some 30m below sea level, spa castle and the famous teddy bear museum. Went for a sumptous dinner after that. Hands were alittle itchy and was lucky to persuade j,jr and s to play overnight mj. I love my fridays!
And so, we played mj again! haha..lady luck was smiling at me.

For others who want to learn, check out this website tt jr/j found while doing project in the IT lab one day. www.mahjongtime.com This serves as a cure of the itch occasionally but you might find it slow and boring if you are not patient enough.
For those who are still unsure of the game, do read the tutorials and practise against people. We shall have a game one day!
Of course, nothing beats the presence of friends around you. The smell and the feel of the mahjong tiles is an added advantage.
Gotta sleep now. FA Cup replay at 4am later.
-out- for now
Monday, March 12, 2007
Interesting evening.
This was what happened on friday. After class, jr, j and i went to people's park. There was a humongous jam at suntec area. Ok this sounds like i m writing a story but i only realised much later that it was because there was an IT fair being held. Looks like i have to leave e car at home in e future.But on another note, check out e technology at this carpark.what you r looking at is actu a view from the car in a lift.
This is from a carpark. I found this by accident. When we went there, i tot it was closed. But the attendant motioned me to move forward and i soon realised tt it was a LIFT FOR THE CAR! omg! no more driving up and down winding slopes. All solved by a lift. I admit it was quite scary thinking about what might happen if the lift had broken down. It was something new. And the best thing was it only costs $2 after office hours!
This says alot. Hahaha...when we had to wait for the lift to come pick us up.

People need to wait for lifts. well, so do cars!haha..the opening is for cars instead of people.
Time to mug for the first time since hell week.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
And so, hell week came and went. One 306 quiz. One 304 presentation. One 306 presentation. What a week! Am feeling alittle drained out. Here's 2 pics for you guys to laugh your guts out.

Monday, March 05, 2007
A 'foodful' Sunday
Yes, the sign looks broken i know but...

Went back home and crashed. It was good to sleep but waking up and still struggling with consol isn't. But still, it was a good sunday, certainly what the good old doctor in me advocated for a reduction in stress levels.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts...
U know, such is the way blogs are linked to one another is that i can no longer confide my deepest thoughts here because i do not wish to offend anyone. I am not happy with certain things. I am sure you won't know who u r and i've no wish to ask for your explanation. Perhaps this is in your character, your blood that you might think there's nothing wrong with it but i think there's sth f**king wrong about the way you handle people relationships. Ok, i am talking in riddles and speaking alittle gibberish. Enough clues & (if you take those i've spouted as clues) I am sure some of you will attempt to wonder and guess what happened but i guess its best kept under the table. One day, you will realise your folly...