The foodie in me continues his journey around town looking for the best delights!
After class on tue, me, d, j and jr trooped off to another place around Singapore. Western food. That was going to be the order of the day. There are actually plenty of places in Singapore with nice and cheap food. This certainly beats the likes of those high-end restaurants anytime in terms of value for money. Sch work is already so busy. Its such a waste if we do not pamper ourselves with such food and just adopt a monotonous lifestyle. So here goes again...

From clockwise from top:
Jr's yummy-looking sirloin steak. It was relli thick. Thicker than what i expected and definitely value for money at $9
d's minced beef spaghetti. Looks nice, tastes nice. But i felt at $5 it was alittle steep.
Mine chicken chop with fried rice. I wanted the steak initially. But the accountant in me felt that at $4, this was more value for money. The chicken was good and tender. The fried rice was better than expected.
J's chicken chop is last. Same as mine but with fries, coleslaw and baked beans. Heard the coleslaw was good. In addition, i felt that her chicken was of a bigger slice. Price: $5
U guys must be wondering where's the place rite?

There it is! Uno Beef House! This is really free propaganda at its best. Actually its because I am going to get a commission from the boss if his sales increase. (ya right)
Okay, that's all for the FOOD episode this time. Till then, same time, same channel. Oh wait, just same web address.
Of Gastronomical cravings or sinful desires...
WARNING!! This following post is not for the faint hearted. Not for the weary nor the hungry.

Looking at the pic, shiok rite?
The author does not mean any offence to anyone in this post:
At a time where most people in Singapore were preparing to go to bed or were already in bed, wj and i trooped off to the red-light district of our sunny island. Or so we thought! The place was filled with people! It was really hard to get a lot near the shop. So i suggested that we parked further away. While hoping to catch some 'free shows', we noticed almost nil catwalkers on the streets. Either 'business' must have really been good that they were all 'engaged' at the moment or the anti-vice squad must have 'swept' the place well. All on the streets were some watching soccer in the corner coffee shop and those out for good clean fun. By that, i mean just like me and wj-seeking out the best supper food in town.
We had to wait for our table. But good things are worth waiting for. It doesn't seem alot from the picture above but imagine eating that amount of food at that time of the nite. The mee sua was good but i could not find any oysters in it. Perhaps they have changed it to jus pig's intestines. The you tiao was crisp but i was too full by the time i had that. So did not finish it. I should be doing more of such stuff. Next up, hopefully its Lor 9 Beef hor fun... any one interested?
Long overdue pics. Some pics to FEAST ur eyes on...
What's a blog without pics? finally got my handphone and computer linked! So here's some overdue pics from the month of Dec...Captions provide explanations...

From the high of the bdae celebration, came the low of departure of my best fren to Uncle Sam for a yr less than 2hrs later. All the best my fren!

23rd bdae celebration! Thanks to jas and sab! Steamboat + KTV! See e KTV screen? Still got bdae song dedication wor? Thanks babes!

First time riding a bike...well, almost...

My visit to the Singapore Press Holdings, The New Paper office. Invitation by Ernest Luis from The New Paper

2nd yr anni celebration at My Secret Garden. Oh, pardon the darkness...

Subject registration back in NTU...a pity i did not get all e timeslots i wanted...
Long Awaited Return!!!
Hail! it was the day of many returns. Me returning to the Internet World of blogging and msn etc and going back to the place in the west called NTU.
U know that its just isn't your day when
1. you start off your day with a bad stomachache
2. Blog a long entry that got lost in the stupid comp in the fal.
Fortunately, things got better. Started off the semester with 2 lessons. Both went on fine except that i am proud to say that i am already in a backlog after ONE frigging day of lessons.
There was a tinge of nostalgia as i walked around school. A feeling that i never once had in NTU. Probably only once i felt it each in the years leading up to my graduation from secondary school and junior college. For me, NTU has always been a COLD place which i dreaded travelling to purely because of the distance. But this was going to be IT. After another 12 weeks or so, we will be embarking on another chapter in life. Seems scary. I guess i am unlike most of my peers in this aspect but i do not look forward to graduating. Yes, of course i wanna graduate on time. But moving on the professional world isn't exactly something to belittle. I mean, waking early every day instead of the 3 days school we have these days etc. For most of us had formed firm friendships in the place people spent plenty of hours, doing projects and lessons etc. Hopefully, as we transit onto another journey, these friendships will be kept till long later. Cheers to all that have crossed my path one point in life.