I never thought it would happen to me.
I used to wonder how it could happen to people.
So much that when it finally happened I find it hard to believe.
Tomorrow is another new experience.
An experience which only needs to be gone through once,
I hope.
Back again
It was the POP of the baby of the family. I went all the way to Tekong to witness it since I was on leave.

Marching in proudly

Formed up and ready.

Wah. Lucky chap. Can buy 4D liao.

The Reviewing Officer was a young MP w lots of 'sei'.

We were trying to spot him frm afar.

My folks n him.

POP loh! No more
chao recruits! It was this particular scene that I felt alittle nostalgic. Not that I missed the army but I can understand the excitement of passing out of BMT.
And so we have dined like kings and queens in the past week when he's home. So much have happened lately, most positive but some negative. Will await further confirmation before updating.