Greetings from China. Day 1-2
Early one morning while most of Sg were still aslp,

And the skies and surroundings were still dark. Pitch black. Bet u can't spot mi here.

Okay, i was exaggerating. At least you can see my opened gate.

silly gal woke up at 5am just to send mi off. *Touched beyond words.*

Okay. Here's another silly ermm..lady.

My first time at T3!

Looks like family portrait shorn of 2 others who cherished their slp.

It was going to be a long trip to Daqing. First we reached Guangzhou.

Seems like a nice restaurant. We had lunch here.

My companion for e trip YY. We are gonna be stuck here w work till 2nd April when e other 2 arrive.

We managed to walk abt. This looks like Guardian? I've to say Changi Airport is still e one to beat.

All Airport control towers seem to have a 'ball' above.

I caught sight of e airport staff (mis)handling luggages. Now i know why my luggage cracked. They were literally throwing luggages into their trolley.

Sun almost set while I was en route to Dalian.

It was dark by e time we reached Dalian.

We still had to wait for e final installment of our journey to Harbin. Notice the small plane we flew frm Guangzhou to Harbin?

It was abt 2130hrs by the time we arrived, more than 12hrs since we left Changi Airport.
And that wasn't all. We had to endure another 2hrs of car ride to Daqing. Talk abt being shagged. But I din sleep well. Aircons here blow hot air because of the coldness outside. I managed to perspire in my slp.

We woke up bright and early. While gg for brekkie, we saw this. How classy.

The view frm e place we had lunch. A huge square in e middle which serves as Assembly Square during celebrations.

I got bored while waiting for the client to take us out to dinner.

The best news today! We changed hotel! That's my room now. Queensized bed,


and nice toilet.
Just hope I get a chance to enjoy the bed more. Its Sat tmr. And I have to wrk. How cool is that in a foreign land. Client wanted to bring us to the bathhouse. But I was more interested in returning to the hotel to nua. Gotta go to bed liao. Day 2 is over. Another 15 more days.

Thanks for waking up early just to send mi off. I guess that the next 2 weeks is gg to seem v long bcoz I dun get to see u at all. How I wish I was back in Sg w u at this very moment.
Notice of Absence
The time is finally here for mi to take my leave. After being postponed from end feb to mid march and to now, I am finally gonna make this unwelcome trip to the North. Have been dreading this trip ever since god knows when.

And so this time tmr, I will probably be up in the skies to the land of ... ...

DO NOT enjoy booze by e way.

Food-i am
SCARED of putting on weight, very.

Its gonna be real COLD. sigh.
Well, I will be gone for 17 days to be exact. I will be missing all of you back here in Sg. Countdown to my return ya?! Watch this space...
Like a guiding light in the cold, dark night,
Even darkness would seem so bright.
Like a pair of eyes giving me sight,
You never fail to make things right.
Like a pillar of support giving me might,Even the heaviest things seem so light.
Like a wrestler all ready for a fight,
You never fail to save me from any plight.
I cannot change what happened in the past. Let's put it aside and cover it with dust.
I cannot promise you the moon and the stars,
Let's work hard to make us last.
We WILL keep the demons at bay,we need no guns or magic wands.
Today, I just want to say,
Thank you for all you have done.
The days before I leave for the North
I've been procastinating on blogging since god knows when. I finally uploaded ALL the pics frm my fone. Here's just some of the latest happenings.
This was over dinner last night.
A few days back on 2 separate nights,

We had fun that night.

Even saw bar top dancing.

Over drinks,


and more drinks we chatted.
I've gone to this place even when it was known as Chinajump. Unfortunately the night was ruined by someone who thought he owned the place. Someone who thought that violence was the key to everything. Someone who did not behave the way someone of his intelligence should. Someone who just about spoilt the whole night. Nonsensical.

I haven seen that smile for a long time. :)
Now that Peak is ending, many of us have emerged unscathed. But r there worse jobs out there? Well,
Being a container driver stuck in a jam en route to Tuas/Woodlands Checkpoint for few hours while the Customs search for Mas Selamat is no joke. Imagine battling hunger, fatigue and even bladder release.
Customs man even had to direct traffic to allow cars to reverse out of jam.
Like the view?

There are people on gondolas cleaning windows on just about every building. Definitely not for the faint hearted.
Or the person(s) who have to clear up this mess.
Okay, easy for mi to say because I've been relatively lucky. But I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.
Here comes some long overdue pics. As far back as CNY. Wow, so much have changed since then.

Here's a pic to show the huge convoy of vehicles that went visiting. This is just the icing. There were few more cars parked in the lots. Pity the people giving red packets.
A feel of my CNY. I just realised I do have ALOT of cousins.
Its Saturday again. By right, I shud be rejoicing. But by left, it means departure is soon. Sigh, but I will be back again soon after this. Watch this space...
Just who are you to judge me?
What I have to say and am going to say might be sensitive to certain people. But what I have to say, i will still say because this is afterall my blog and I will say what needs to be said. What a mouthful rite? Haha. I did it on purpose. So if you think I am gonna ruffle some feathers, you can close this page now.
I suppose if you are still reading this means you probably aren't guilty or you r just curious of what I have to say.
Sometimes people around just like to stick their noses into matters that does not concern them. Its all right if you know wads gg on. Especially if you know nuts about what's going on and you go round shooting that mouth of yours off. If you were once guilty of such stuff before, kindly evaluate yourself before making remarks about something that does not even concern you. I don't care if you think badly of mi or if you have a bad impression of mi because you are probably insignificant or ermm.. immaterial to me as a person. I am not even upset about your kpo-ness. But the reason I am blogging this now is just because I have nothing better to do now..