Still alive and kicking!
Jus pulled out from a 3wk job in ulu sembawang. There is really a street called ulu sembawang in ermm..sembawang. This 3weeks have been my first real taste of a***t (discounting the short stint w the US GAAP). Questions have already started to fill mi after the first week. Do i really see this as a career path for mi? Dun worry my frens, the hours are still managable. And the stress so far has well been ziltch. So far, the latest I've been back home is alittle before 12. Fatigue has never been a problem bcoz however much I love my sleep, I can survive on little sleep. Its just that I find myself doing things which i barely understand at times. Perhaps its early days and starting at the bottom of any ladder is always difficult. I guess things will get better as i assmiliate into this job. Haha. I guess most of you will not be used to this serious part of mi. I am thinking alittle more than normal.
On a lighter note, the team I was in really rocked! Full of crap and shit each day as we work w music playing over the background. At times, I count myself lucky that I've good colleagues to work alongside with. The sessions over lunch, exploring places I never visited. Taste of Thailand, Chong Pang and yes, call me swakoo but I've never been to Sun Plaza.
A***t is such that I do not get to see my fellow A1's as often as the start. When I stepped into office on friday, it sure was a welcome feeling to see some of the familiar faces I realized I had missed.
Its been a long post, full of words w/o pics. I hope u aren't bored.
Long awaited post
I know I am lagging. We are in mid oct but i have yet to blog about my Penang trip w e firm.
Day 1:

Tt's mi upon at e hotel tired after the short flight. It has sth to do w waking up at 330am.

Having our first meal in e hotel. I soon grew sick of e buffet.

Senseless doodles that accompanied mi while attendin e lessons.

530pm! Time to change and explore e area!

Went to Gurney Drive Food Centre. Spot the rainbow?

Cheap + Yummy food. But I think the food in Sg is nicer w the exception of the wan tan mee.
Day 2:


Our first presentation. I drew e male pic on the right!

Dinner here paled in comparison w e first.
I think my grp is amazing. On the bus oso can tk pic!

We met up w e 3BM and took a bus tog.
Day 3:

Notice my shagged face at breakfast.

I've absolutely no idea when this pic was taken.
I told u i get bored easily. N when I m bored, i doodle.

The sea infront of our hotel
Gurney Plaza

We had a quick dinner at Secret Recipe. Same price but in ringgit. Damn cheap!

We soon gathered to plan e final presentation.

Conceptualizing. I know i've hairy legs. =P

Our master pieces. Even got cleavage lo!
Day 4:
After our presentation.

One final woosh!

It started to pour and we carried e table into a sheltered place

We even visited a pub along w another grp! I forgot who took e pics in e pub alr!
Day 5:

We skipped e breakfast on our last day and went KTV!

E highlight of e trip for mi was KTV! Lunch + 3hrs of singing

As usual, some memories to tk home back at e hotel

Our last meal at e Penang airport just before departure
Well, it certainly was a good break before start of work where deeper bonds were forged and friendships became closer. Haven't been back to office for 2 weeks. Gonna be stuck at sembawang for another wk. The chatter over lunch and the familiar faces all around have certainly been missed.
My folks will be away from Fri noon till Sun night so I'll have the whole house to myself (minus away my sis who's always away during e wkends.) Okay, I still have a brother but tts hardly the point. Feel free to jio mi for mj if u need a place or just a gathering at my hse.
Haha. I will also have full usage of dad's car. No more mrt or bus this wkend!
CPA soccer
We did not emerge champions but i got to know more pple from this competition. IT, TSRS, AABS21, ABBS22, SME etc. Haha! I also realised how unfit I was from this competition. It wasn't long before I was 'punctured'. Not many pics to show (this wasn't a camwhoring exercise) but here's a few...

Hahaha! I think i look like a monkey in the pics.