The Road To Recovery!
After lying in bed for almost a week, the sick chicken finally recovered.

This isn't ordinary orange juice or what but was what Dear's mum brewed for mi. Some
leng yang drink which is for cooling purposes. Dear told mi her mum wouldn't read this but, heartfelt thanks to Aunty if you happen to chance upon this. Thanks alot! I am indeed very appreciative.

My company for the day.

Cravings for the Golden Roll at Sushi Tei. Massive thumbs up!
Mango + King Prawn = Absolutely orgasmic!

Well, i told u its gd. Even the prawn head oso cannot 放过. I have a 大嘴巴!

This was up next. Its a great show to watch for pure laughter. Dear and i laughed almost throughout!

Yes, u aren't seeing things. We went across the sea to the island of Sentosa!

Armed with out maps and brochures, do we look like tourists to u?

We had a ride in the new monorail!

I can help Sentosa keep people off the main road too!

Yes, i am a big boy too!

We nua-ed at Cafe Del Mar. Been wanting to check this place out but did not materialise till this impromptu visit.

From light to dark, we remained there. Cafe Del Mar looks really good at night.

Home Sweet Home. We took the tram back to the station.
It was a real fun day. Now who says Singapore is boring place to be in. It can turn out to be fun with the right company.
I want to play mahjong! Anyone else interested? 3 more 'legs'!
Sick Chicken
I hate to say this but i've fallen ill. And really ill. Special mention goes out to those who have showed concern in 1 way or the other. Had 2 blood tests this week and fortunately, both tested negative for the dreaded Dengue Fever. I have no idea what is wrong with me because i would be fine one moment and the next, the temperature shoots up to 38.8 deg. This illness have sapped me so much of my energy that all i do these days can be summarised below in a few words.
Wake Up
Eat Breakfast
Eat medicine
Eat Lunch
Eat medicine
Eat Dinner
Eat medicine
Watch alittle of tv
I haven seen Dear for almost a week. To all others out there, I haven been missing in action, perhaps just too weak to be part of the action but i will be back. promise.
Thoughts galore!
So much to say but yet such is the ease of access of this blog, I am not going to be too overly direct for fear of ruffling a few feathers. In case you think you are the person involved in this post, you probably aren't.
I stared at the screen thinking of appropriate words to use.
Argh! Forget it. This whole affair means so much more to me that I fear any insensitivity on my part could cause unhappiness on either of the parties involved. I will probably be talking to someone whom i know is willing to listen instead of penning these thoughts down.
A getaway!
Nah, unfortunately not! Haha! Though i do wish for one.
Now that the mobilisation is over, i wish for a getaway from the shores of Singapore. No need for a long one. No need for a faraway one. Just away from the hustle and bustle of the life in Singapore. I am not exactly busy with life at the moment. Sort of just feel i want a break before starting work.
The long wait.
Waiting for a call can be quite agonising. Especially if this call could have serious repurcussions. Okay, i m speaking in riddles again.
May u get well soon.
The hero and the damsel in distress...
Once upon a time, there lived a man and his lady. The lady came back after 8 long days in tw and finally, they had each other's company for a whole day. They thought they were going to have a peaceful day together. Or so they thought! What began slowly ended in excitement!

After hearing all the big hooha abt it, they had dinner at Curry Favour. They found it disappointing but at least they were full from the dinner.

Feeling full from the dinner they had, they took a walk and found Pavement Picasso's work of art! Do not be amazed. Simply be very amazed!

But just as they were walking happily, a Big Bad Bull attacked them. So being the hero, the man had to save the damsel in distress.

The people were so happy that they shook the man's hand to thank him for his help in getting rid of the Big Bad Bull.

The man earlier had a few drinks and did some funny things. He gave one of them a kiss!

The damsel was touched by her saviour and decided to give him a hug. And the ending is ever so familiar- and they lived happily ever after with no more bulls to trouble them.
The Airport
The majestic sight of the airport greets one as one approaches the East of Singapore. The all so familiar yellow ball atop the elongated tower that we first knew about when we were just merely kids. Changi Airport - One of the most famous landmarks of Singapore. But there is a story in every person that visits the airport, some sad, others happy. I experienced both sides of emotions yesterday. From the europhia and happiness of picking Dear up to the solemness and and sombreness of sending my cousin off to faraway China less than an hour later, i had it all yesterday. Every person who is awaiting an arrival will have his/her eye fixated on the 'Arrivals' screen eagerly awaiting the arrival of his/her loved ones while every person who is sending off a loved one will hope time comes to a standstill. Such is the contrast of the emotions that I do not really like the airport. Well, I should brood no further for Dear is back after 8 days in the land of Tw. Happy days are back! :)

A picture says a thousand words. 'nuff said. :)
Long time no see!
Good things are certainly worth waiting for and i m back now. Well, its certainly been a long time and this blog certainly hasn't been abandoned. Just that exams has ended! and i have been busy going out. The past week after the exams has been nothing short of fantastic. Feel the world of bliss each time i step out of the house. Okay, i will try let the pics do the talking for now.

This was right after the last paper. Juicy chicken wings during a chillout session at TCC.

Well, how abt steak at Aston's? They extended the place so the queue is much shorter now.

In between, 2 movies to go with all the food. Both happen to be Thai movies.

Dinner on friday was at Waraku Japanese restaurant in East Coast Park. Even though the food was more expensive than your typical Japanese fare at Sakae or Ichi Ban, its damn good. I really enjoyed the dinner and of course the company. But its not very filling so i had my supper of Geylang Beef Hor Fun after that. All food and no exercise makes Kelvin a lazy boy. Better get some exercise done soon. I will be back soon with more updates!