The moment he heard tt u were sick he rushes u off to e clinic
He knows tt u shud not tk meat n U see him removing all the FISH frm his FISH hor fun so tt he can keep for ur congee tmr
He knows u shud not haf ur usual tea for breakfast so he woke up earlier to buy a SOYA BEAN drink and cook e congee for ur lunch later
The first thing tt he says to u when u see him is "Better?"

The Candy Flavored Condom!!You are sweet. You have this good girl/boy persona,
but that's not so true in the bedroom. You aim
to please and making him/her happy makes you
happy. You like to be dominated but not to the
S&M level.Best Position: Doggy style
Condoms!! what is your kind of condom AND what does it mean?( with pics not dirty sheesh!)brought to you by
i almost met w an accident yest.
not w another car but a pedestrian on a zebra crossing.
it wasn't really dark..but it was evening time..
f**ker was wearing black..
okok..i admit..its my fault..i did not relli slow down as i approach e crossing..
luckily..i managed to divert my route to e next lane (it was a 2-lane crossing)
n luckily again, there were no vehicles on e other lane..
i swear tt he was thinking "what a driver, zebra crossing oso nv stop!"
but tt f**ker oso nv even look up n jus tk for granted tt there was no cars..
to all drivers and drivers-to-be:
The car is a
useful object
at the same time, it is also a
dangerous object
if not handled appropriately, it can cause u lots of
PROBLEMSi hope i have learnt my lesson..n TRY to drive more carefully..TRY being e key operative word here..Those of you out there, u know who u r, esp those who r reckless like me,
i do hope u guys tk care n drive more carefully on e roads..befire u actu regret ur
moment of folly..
and to all pedestrians:
LOOK up when u cross e road..
CROSS only when e vehicle has stopped..
nv tk for granted tt every
mother's son will adhere to e traffic regulations and give way..
yay!exams r coming..
nov 9
day to look 4ward to..
make or break..
it's even worse than its predecessor AA101..
wad m i doing in accountancy?
final wk of sch..n there's stil
SO MUCH to do
all e back log frm B*z C*m
dunno y we've to rewrite some of e stuff..
god jus bless me w e remaining strength to overcome all obstacles..i need a break..
haf a
break..haf a kit kat..ya time to eat @ all..
s i sank my teeth into my bread, i grimaced in pain.. actu this was frm last tue..
damn..during break, i was hungry so i dragged dar to CAN A to buy food..
shucks..if i know dun buy alr..
yea..n so i bit onto the bread..AND onto my wasn't relli pain at first..
but it soon developed into
TWO ulcers..both lined-up side by side..
SEE PICTURE BELOW..okok..its alittle gross..not for e faint hearted.. =P
god damn it..
it hurts like mad now n i can't seem to relli enjoy wad i eat these days..
can't wait for the ulcerS to just disappear.. =[


A picture says a thousand words. m in no mood to blog.but here's how i m feeling.. :(
Bad Day
U know u r jus so going to have a bad day when...
U wake up feeling really tired even though u put aside ur work e nite b4 n went to bed early.
U enter e bathroom to shower but u realise u 4got ur clothes to change into.
U come out to get it n return to e bathroom only 2 4get tt ur brush was in e other toilet.
U rush out of e hse n realised tt ur hp wasn't in ur pocket
U swear u saw e bus driver waving bye to u s u rushed towards e bus stop
Think tts enough to spoil ur day?? Read On...
U developed a sudden stomachache while on e bus to e MRT station
While contemplating between alighting at e next stop (aljunied) or continuing e journey,u decided to continue.Only to find tt u really needed to release e extra load.
U alighted at e next stop (kallang) n rushed out of e gantry to e public loo.Woohoo!u realised tt it was locked s e lady was cleaning e toilet inside.Of all times!at e moment,u wished tt males could use e ladies too coz it was too opened.
U rushed to e nearest toilet at Mcdonald's n realised tt e only cubicle was occupied.
#@%#@%!! but b4 u start cursing in ur head,u heard e sound of e flush n e occupant came out.
Wheeeeew...wad a morning!