Welcome To My Life
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, August 07, 2008
I went back to e office today. A feeling tt i still remember clearly. The familiar 'ding' from the lift. And the familiar passageway leading to where I spent a year. The familiar faces that greeted me. Touched beyond words. So much help. All on my last time in that place. As I walked from the MRT to the office, I realized sth that everyone knows- The world continues moving no matter what. Everyone seems to be walking. FAST. It seems that people in Raffles Place have the fastest walking speeds at 830-9am. Felt lost. Gone were the days where I could match anyone there stride for stride. I am reduced albeit temporarily to someone who would perhaps still give those old folks a run for their money.
I caught Money No Enough 2 today. My first movie for ages. I realized how long I haven been to town. Somehow walking around town with an injured leg made me self conscious of people's comments. Do not know if it is me but I felt a thousand pair of eyes and the same number of mouths talking about this injured person. I remember tt feeling so clearly. I do not like it. I know I will eventually recover and I am making good progress. But how I wish I can walk like before. Now.
Monday, July 28, 2008
The blink of an eye ;)
Fast forward one year. I am filled with emotions. A tinge of nostalgia as I put these thoughts into words. "When GOD closes a door, HE will open a window for you next." I thank all for the opportunities I have been given, hopefully the window will be a big one. One year may seem a long time, but relli, it was jus a flash, a blink of an eye as I look back. A fren once described audit as "Just like the army, where everything sucked, except the comrades you are with." Its hard to find any misstatement (no pun intended) in that.Here's some of the more memorable events.
Event #1: Orientation in Penang.

Event #2: CPA Soccer Tournament
I remember turning up for trials as a 1st yr assistant and crossing swords with senior managers and the like thinking "What e f**k am I doing here on a Saturday morning?" We may not have won the tournament but I guess I was happy joining the team.

The 2007 Soccer team
Event #3: Dinner and Dance
The girls fretted over what to wear while the guys listened. Moulin Rouge in Singapore. Cool stuff. I admit, I never liked dressing up. I still do.
Event #4: China trip X2
I spent almost 6 weeks in China! That is almost 10% of my time. I was rather apprehensive about my maiden overseas trip. But after returning, I feel it relli shaped mi as a person and broadened my horizons. This experience will definitely help in the future.
I touched snow for the first time in my life!
I skiied too!

2 different ends of the poverty cycle. A large dining room and
a small house with snow-filled compounds.

One of the most enduring sights, a lavatory right in the cold. Effectively a hole in the ground. Enough said.
Sharks' fins and

foie gras. Our staple diet.

Americanization. The famous golden arches are relli everywhere in the world.
And finally, goodbye.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Forgotten Man...
In life, we can't always have it smooth-sailing. 3 weeks of ordeal and counting. We tend to take everything around us for granted. Simple things like walking. I have been walking for as long as I can remember, maybe even before that. However, this particular misfortune has caused me to slow and reflect. Stop and think of the things that really matter. Amidst the rat race that is still going on, I have taken a step back to rest this poor leg. Good luck to those auditors who are still slogging despite the famous term "off-peak". Perhaps, that word is over rated. Is there ever off peak in audit? I doubt so. Off-peak is just a magical term coined to boost the morale (READ: lower the turnover rate) of the existing staff. Enough said. I have become the forgotten man. Soccer every Sunday used to be my antidote to a hard week. The 2 hours with my chumps of 10years back sweep away whatever blues that had accumulated during the week where all concentration would be getting the bloody ball into the goal (opponent's goal). The team's doing well. There has been new additions to replace me. Perhaps, I have really been replaced. Will I ever play soccer again? Hmm.. Or should it be, will I ever dare to play soccer again?
Tue 22/7/08
Its Tue at last. Time for medical appointment. Spent the nite tossing in bed worrying abt what could happen. Thank god all was fine! Allowed to walk without crutches. After 22 days!! Its no joke trying to walk without crutches after almost a mth w it. Its definitely harder than I imagined. Thankfully, I managed. Finally able to walk normally. Leg still can't bend. Now, for the removal of the brace. 2 weeks more and hopefully, I will be able to walk like before. :)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Not for the faint hearted.
I dun think i will ever forget that fateful day. The feeling of being wheeled into the OT not knowing what to expect next. The pain of those needles. And of course the op itself. Even now, 2 weeks on, the pain still exists.
I m abt to show a rather disgusting pic. Ready?
Here goes...
Imagine your knee being cut up and then sewn back. Yucks. 一切(不)完美. Time to look for Thomas Ong.
*Fingers crossed* rehab goes on smoothly and I will be back to my normal self.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts.
Its jus words and words these days but who gives a damn, its my blog. I have been doing lots of thinking lately. Well, perhaps there isn't much to do besides thinking and more thinking. Exercise (gotta work those unutilised muscles) always leave mi drained at the end of the day. Sometimes, we live in our world of comfort that we take everything and everyone for granted. It is at this point that I am able to pause, reflect and take stock of everything.
B jus left my hse. Specially brought lunch for mi. Happy. At least its nice to know that someone out there cares enuff to bring lunch over. N i hear of pple offering DVDs/VCDs to kill those bored afternoons, tonics to boost my recovery. Heart warmed.
At the moment, there's nth much I can do except wait.