Day 7 China (哈尔滨,大庆)
What a waste of time this morning. Supposed to start work straight after breakfast but due to some cock ups, we only started work after lunch. Turned out client wanted to bring us to a ski resort, one that was used for the winter olympics but we declined citing work commitments. Actually i wasn't keen on skiing because I din want to stay out there in the cold. I would rather hit the malls and shop for bargains.

The client told us to order. So i 不客气. U can't see this clearly but this was a fresh oyster.

I thoroughly enjoyed e lunch. but the dampening thing was that we had to work after such a filling lunch. I hate translating chinese into english and vice versa. Its saturday today and we had to work. Tomorrow's worse. Sunday and we have to work. Cool isn't it? But at least, another week and I will be home. Wait for mi pple!~
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