Day 3 China (哈尔滨,大庆)
I wanted to sleep after what has been a long day but I decided not to procastinate and blog abt today. Anyway, there's not many pics coz most of the more interesting pics are in my hp and I do not have the cable here w mi. Today has been an eye opener in most aspects.

In case you think I am enjoying myself, we had our lunch and must I say, there was a major culture difference! I felt like turning into a vegetarian after what I saw! They had slaughtered a lamb and a pig earlier to celebrate and what we saw on the table were just different parts of the lamb and pig. It did not look much cooked and I felt like carnivores when I saw the legs of the lamb. So unappetizing. I lost my appetite instantly. I appreciated their warmness because as heard, if you are being invited to have the lamb and pig they had slaughered today, you are very important. Unfortunately, I guess most, and I really mean most of us will not be able to appreciate the 'tastiness' of the food we see. Innards, feet, u name it, u have it. Yucks! Another thing that I am 'paying' for in return for all these experiences is the drinking and smoking part. Yes, I do drink. But drinking lots every meal is alittle excessive. And when people drink here, they drink it neat and 'tarrrrr' (干杯). Its not joke drinking so many glasses every meal. The liquor here have very high alcoholic content and everyone seems to hold their liquor very well. I have yet to reach that limit but I fear it might be soon. Smoking here is very prevalent. Smoking is permitted anywhere and everywhere (except of course near those flammable materials). So people here light up their cigarettes everywhere. We can be having a nice meal in a flashy restaurant when people like a cigarette right in your face. Help me! I am dying of alcoholism and second hand smoke!
After lunch, we had our stocktake! 2 words-Freaking cold! Its no joke trying to count pipes out in the open in -18 deg cel. Mucus flow like nobody's business and fingers pain even with gloves on. Well, we did the first half of it, more to come in the next few days.
Well, after hearing all the grouses, we had some entertainment after a rather extravagant dinner (again). We went to the BATHHOUSE! OMG! Like how cool is that rite? Often watch it on tv but never had chance to visit. In case you think males and females bath together, nah. Sad rite? Haha. There's a place for males and another for females. Felt alittle shy seeing so many naked bodies. After that we had a session to clear the dead skin on our body. Eeeeeww.. Felt so embarrassed having another guy (YES A FREAKING GUY!) having full access to my full nude body. I survived and I was given pyjamas. I did not know what was being in stored but I was brought to a hall where everyone seemed aslp and attended by a masseur. Wow, this was the highlight. A full body massage from legs up to the head by a personal masseur. In case you are thinking, there was no hanky panky. Everyone was just about in full view of everyone. I even had my ear wax cleared. Wow, felt like a king. Its almost 310am now. I just reached the hotel actually. Gonna crash soon. Wonder what lies in store tomorrow. Certainly hope its sth enjoyable to compensate for missing home. Will blog again soon. Tataz~
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