Day 5 China (哈尔滨,大庆)
Its mi again! I am blogging so often than I ever did. Today was a rather tiring day. Went to the rural outskirts, almost 200km away for FA sighting. The journey itself was an interesting one, with sights not seen in Singapore or most developed cities. Even though I slept throughout the car ride, I still feel tired. That the night is so long (since sun sets about 430pm) makes mi feel tired even at just 11pm. Enuff said, let's look at the pics that were taken today!

Recognise the famous golden arches?!

We had brekkie here!

We were sick of the hotel brekkie that e client brought us to Mac's for brekkie! I had big brekkie which is almost identical to that frm Sg.

After which, we travelled to the rural outskirts. There were many stalls along the way, peddling their wares on the street.

China has an abundance of land. Here's a stretch of land not used for any purpose.

Cheers! Dun be mistaken, this isn't alcoholic. Its just ordinary peach juice. We stopped for a meal before continuing to our destination.

We saw many donkeys along the way there. Donkeys are used as a means of transportation or ferrying goods.

This can't be seen clearly. But there were many THREE wheeled cars along the way. These cars are much cheaper (and smaller too) and used in the poorer cities.

Another mode of transport were the bicycles. It was -8deg. I was very glad i was in a cosy car instead of out there pedalling away.

Do we look like terrorists? or some Russian spy? We reached our destination and were given a very thick jacket, gloves, dog-eared helmet and even snow shoes.

That's YH and mi right out there in the open. Thank god it was
ONLY -8deg. Guess we are so used to the coldness that we are so happy when it doesn't go below -10deg.
An oil derrick in the middle of the wilderness.
Cable lines in the open. We can see the patch of barren land.
This is jus a huge patch of land with nothing on it.
Where do pple do their business when nature calls (or screams)? That's the lavoratory! I am army jungle-trained but I thought I have seen the worst until i stepped into this. It this was a shithole with ermm.. shit in it. Literally piles and piles of shit. I din even see where I was aiming and tried to finish peeing as soon as possible! I din take any pics for fear of dropping my camera into the shit hole.
That's mi and YH in the middle of nowhere.
And so we finished FA sighting 1. Another 1 tmr. I will better remind myself not to drink too much so that hopefully i need not visit the lavoratory at the site tmr. And so its the end of another day. Its friday tmr. It feels like I am being confined this weekend and will only be able to return home e following weekend.
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