Fighting procastination and Day 1 of HK 2007!
Finally decided to blog before next week's trip to Penang if not i'll always live in a back log. Apologies to any faithful readers who have been disappointed lately by the lack of activity in this blog.

店小二 with the gang to celebrate j's bdae. First time at 店小二. Nice food.

Yummy dishes. I din really like the
dong po meat which i found a tad too fatty.

The usual suspects

Bdae girl and her surprise bdae cake!

We may have gone on to different companies but let's keep this meetups regular!

Ice cream treat from the one who spots the biggest grin on a particular day each month. No prizes for guessing who!

New York Manhatten Fish Market to celebrate! 1 of the rare occasions I failed to finish our food. First taste was delicious but as the air con cooled the food rapidly, we soon got sick of it. Not a gd choice to order as everything was fried.
Haven been on holiday since god knows when. Finally packed the suitcase and left on a jetplane to HK last week. Five days may seem long but time sure flies when one's having fun. This trip sure seemed short when compared with my 'holiday' in green which was also 5 days. Here's my 5 days in pictures.
Day 1
The suitcases are packed and we are ready to go
Waiting rather impatiently
US in our plane
I think the food onboard wasn't too bad at all
Finally landed!
Hot, hot! I mean the weather!

From having a nice spacious room w an accompanying bathtub to having the police station around the corner, from given the room on the VIP floor to ample shows on tv, what could get worse right?
Except having to sleep on this 'hospital bed' for 4 nights. Too springy for my liking.
And so we freshened up alittle and headed to Fa Yuen Street. Lots of buys along this stretch. We would return on the very last day for more shopping.

First dinner on the land of HK. Not too bad accompanied by ice lemon tea which would become a staple part of our meals in the next few days.
We entertained ourselves as we trekked along
And we found ourselves in Old Trafford, home of Manchester United in England.
Okay, look again!

This is the famous Sports Street where figures like Ronaldinho and ermm... Kelvin stood larger than life
Finding time to pose and drink while shopping
Taking the long trek back to the hotel

Supper, a good bath and the great spoils from Day 1 is an instant recipe for a good nite's sleep.
Oh well, that's end of Day 1. In order to keep your appetite growing and prevent you guys from getting bored from seeing so many pics at once, I will post the rest of the days another time.
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