Curtain falls on yet another performance

I know this entry had to come earlier, at least after the exams in May. But somehow, i wasn't sure about getting past the final hurdle. As many people have already blogged about the last day of school etc, the phrase 'End of chapter' has got to be one of the most commonly used phrase. Yes, it is indeed end of another chapter in the life of Kelvin. Time now is 340am. Having checked my results a couple of hours earlier allowed me to confirm the end of this three years of my uni life. I did not do as well as i hoped this semester. But at least the overall result is satisfying. Not overly fantastic but will do for me. We should be contented with our lot. Everything seems to pass in a whirl. As the curtains falls, its time to move on to another performance in August.
Abeit the pain of all the studying shit this 3 years of uni life have brought me, it has brought me many memorable moments and countless joy. People say NTU is a boring place, a lifeless place etc. I say it all depends on the company you are with.
These are the people that has facilitated my uni journey and made it enjoyable. (in no particular order of merit except the very last person, forgive me if i leave out anyone's pic because of my humble collection of pics in my comp)
My sis for all her encouragement, advice or simply just for being ard when i needed someone.

My smarty bro for his many words of wisdom. Pardon me for stealing this pic from your blog coz i realise i do not have an individual pic of u.
My caring sis for always being so concerned about my affairs and always ready to offer advice.

U guys have brought new meaning to the word 'Friends'. And even though all 4 of us will be heading to different companies, let's keep this precious friendship going. Thanks to all!
Last but definitely not the least, NTU has brought me bliss. Meeting this gem has certainly got to be one of the best things in this 3 years.
Others with special mention, yc,xy,hs,jas,sab,jt, all the people i have ever done projects with (there's simply too many to mention) and many, many others who have touched my life in one way or another. Thank you for crossing my path.
Once again, congrats to all who have done well and for those like me who did not do as well, let's close this chapter and do better for the next chapter of our lives.
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