Tuesday, March 22, 2005

he was so wrong...so so wrong...he thought that life would improve.seriously he thought and felt that way.but to his greatest horror, things just seem to have taken for the worse. words that shouldn't have been said were uttered and stood out just like a sore thumb. the greatest ever nightmare has just begun. As those dreaded words were said. shock filled the air as everything was calm. there was no quarrel just like the calm waters of a reservoir. Like a bomb that had been dropped over Iraq by Uncle Sam, it left a scene of devastation for the following 45mins. A defendant was giving his appeal to the court only to repeatedly hear it being overturned.
As he regretfully left the place after much persuasion and hesitation in his car as he awaited out there hoping to catch another look of her, her mother soon came into view. he had no choice but to take his leave for fear that she may probe further. this was a place that had grown so familiar in the past months, the feeling was a blur. he seemed to have stumbled into the aftermath of the devastation, where there were people weeping over the corpses only this time there were no one else crying but present was a huge tear in his heart.
he drove out slowly. catching the familiar sights- the playground in which they had nuggets just the evening before, the new houses that were just built and even the many L-plate cars that were in the vicinity all were in full force. was he ever going to return to this place ever again? he hit the main road, slowly he picked up speed. his mind was a blur. like a whirlwind or if u prefer, a tsunami has ravaged through it. all he wanted to do was to reach home.fast. he sped.like nobody's business. he just didn't care anymore. Andrew Chow's Zouk CD was blasted loudly as speeds of 120km/h were reached. all he wanted was the comfort of his home, a place that he feels most protected. he is still without dinner as whatever appetite that he had was soon gone. thank god, he made it home safe and sound abeit after several honks were sounded at him for remaining stationary at the turn of the green light. he saw the motherly figure of his mum. he wanted to hug her so much to seek some solace from after such an afternoon that he gone through but she was on the phone so greetings were just exchanged. he got up to his room. washed up and decided to pour out his feelings to the computer here. he simply have got no mood for anything. Sleep is the best form of therapy as it is only in our sleep, that we escape from the realities of life. will things ever get better?

To be continued...


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